Dear Sensei’s,
I am glad to see you and Ananda have arrived safely to your new home. I am also very pleased to see that both you are already in-joying Mother Earths beautiful lands in Flagstaff. It is truly a magical place. I would like to know if I could schedule an Intensive with you towards the months of Oct. or Nov.
I recieve an Ilg Chi hit everyday through DL. I only recently discovered WF three months ago and I have already read the DL archives and finished the Green Tara program. Being a competitive grappler, I was skeptical of the ST portion of Green Tara because it looked to my unenlightened eyes as more of a bodybuilders workout. All I can say is that it is one tough workout and my performance on the mat is even better. I think swallowing my ego and working more elegantly with lighter weights and exhaustive techniques is exactly what my body needed.
Also in our last email, I asked you when I could start taking the Ilg supremes. Since I have only started Phase I two weeks ago you wanted to know my dietary patterns over the last year. From western standards I have always eaten pretty clean. Lean cuts of meat, very little refined carbs (white rice, potatos,sugar, etc….), no sodas or chips, etc.. After reading TBT I have changed my diet once again. I am eating a lot less meat, have increased my intake of vegetables and fruits and my portion size is much smaller. I am most suprise that I have been able to cut down my coffee intake from 10 cups a week to 3 or 4 cups per week.
In addition, I am not on any prescription medications on a regular bases. I suffered from a very severe form of asthma as a child and teenager. No longer do I have asthma attacks, I do get “short of breath” occasionally, especially when I have an upper respiratory tract infection which I seem to have 3x per year. I was wondering if I could start the Quinary herbs during Phase I or should I just wait till you give me the okay for phase II. Sorry for the long winded email. Any help would be greatly appreciated and my tapas is burning to train with you during one of your intensives.
Love and Honor,
Your humble grappling student Alex