Published on Jul 19, 2005 by in Uncategorized


Wholistic Fitness Email Teachings
by Coach Ilg

“Your Workout Is Everywhere.”
– WF maxim
Your workout is everywhere…especially in your breath and posture as you write emails, and…for most of us, the more difficult workout is remaining conscious in your email word choices! photo by

“Yep, Coach used to nail my ass to the wall and back when i was first a WF Student…spelling errors, grammatical flaws, rushing my sentences…i hated it back then when he did that…i did not See the Connection
between his unrelenting attacks on my feeble spelling errors and my Journey of Awakening through Fitness. i am so thankful that he took those risks to lose me by his Fierce Grace in mining spiritual Teachings from everything…including emails!”
– WF Certified Teacher and Master Student, Joseph “Haku” Sheader

Most Noble New Student,

did you get ‘bit’ by one of my infamous WF Email Teachings?
well, harbor
no worries and there is certainly no need to be sorry.

the new language of Email, is yet another extension of human commune-ication.

i trust the Buddha, Jesus, or any great Prophet, Seer, Poet, or Yogic Master
would have lovingly embraced and use skillfully the internet and email
as a wonderful Vehicles of their Dharma (see the past years of DL, for instance).

having had the opportunity to be photographed as a model by 7 World Class Photographers
over my life, i realized that the best photographers did not get upset by the raging influence of
‘computerized capabilities’ to produce, edit, and enhance the world of photography. the best
photographers embraced the new digital photography and maintained their superior integrity.

when the Internet and email first began, i saw no reason why my own LifeWork should not thrive in a new era. although i had began WF by providing personalized correspondence in handwritten, sumi ink, bound printed matter, as Bob Dylan sings, “The times…they are a changin’.”

i am very happy to have been the first personal trainer to have ‘created’ Online Training. i adapted my Work to the fashion and pioneered a new Way to Teach. today, thousands have been helped through Wholistic Fitness Online service and through DIRECT LINES; Daily Meditations From Coach Ilg, which still remains an entirely free Vehicle for all who wish to learn from genuine, authentic Path of Spiritual Growth through devoted Personal Fitness.

WF Temple Email Basics

in the Outer World, there are certain Email Basic Symbols such as

:-) = smiling
😉 = smiling/winking
:-0 = laughing
and when someone WRITES IN ALL CAPS
it means that they are SHOUTING

in WF Online Training,� it is our Tradition (which began before the Internet was even invented)
to constantly mine our emails for fragmented thought expressed through unskillful writing,
Word Choices (thus, my WF Word Choice Guru), spelling errors (thus, my WFSG or Wholistic Fitness Spelling Guru), etc.

i created all these as Tools of Awareness to keep blurring the line between “formal” personal growth Practice in things like zen, yoga, etc.,
and where such things matter most; our everyday demeanor and patterns of word, thought, emotion, and action.

another example of laziness in emailing is not providing a simple Salutation; such as “Dear Coach,” for example.�

or not politely signing off; such as, “Namaste!…Mr. Jones.”

the use of capitals in my humble yet proven Path�
is designed to function as literary inflections…i use most capitals to inflect a hint of the Divine, or something that is spiritually noteworthy or out of respect
among ‘regular’ word structure.� for example, to practice Humility,� i will often keep my name small case or expressed as “i” while Capitalizing the names of those to whom i am writing.

you may also see me and my WF Online Teachers use parenthesis to offset cleverly hidden DharmaWords hidden within regular words.� writing the phrase,
“Welcome h(om)e” is such an example.

all of these Email Teachings of mine, and now expressed through our worldwide WF Sangha, are never to be taken ‘person-all-y’…for WF is spiritual training.� we use these Email Teachings to SLOW OUR MIND WAVES down!� �largely, i created these Email Teachings from the following quote of a great Yogin after being in the business and position of answering hundreds of emails from fans, friends, and students the world over.� i realized that most people were not consciously valuing the amazing miracle of the Internet, they were not appreciating it, and they were being quite impolite and disrespectful.� just because we can whip off an email to anyone does not mean that we are not barging into their precious Time…

“There is more to life than merely accelerating its speed.”
– Gandhi

i bow to your standing-under of these WF Temple Teachings and look forward to your next consciously written email. an unconsciously written email is like littering upon Mother Earth; it pollutes our UniVerse.

wherever you write,
whoever you write,
make it your Practice to be kind, helpful, and honest.
this is the yogic Way.
this is the WF Warrior Way in a modern world addicted to speedy, unconsciousness.

coach ilg
creator/Wholistic Fitness�

{editor note; unlike any other world level athlete, yoga teacher, and international book author, our amazing coach handles an incomprehensible amount of worldwide emails…for free! this may not be able to continue for long, however, over the past 20 years, his passion for helping all who knock on his Temple Door; politely or not…should serve to strengthen our own Practice in the Email Yoga Realm!…Temple Manager, Ananda}

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