Coach and Student Stein cranking the “Amitahba” Strength Training Workout during her recent Private Intensive here in Kinlani. Amitahba is an advanced exploration into elite WF Strength Training. it is several Levels Higher than the EEE-GAD workout which appears in my latest book, TOTAL BODY TRANSFORMATION. the Amitahba Workout is reserved only for seasoned WF Online Students for professional reasons of safety. a high demand of focus and use upon yogic internal locks and pranayams is required to travel the land of the Amitahba! Training with a priority of inwardly turned Awareness during EEE-GAD Workouts, however, will certainly appropriately condition the devoted WF Yogi to one day crank out workouts like Amitahba with Masterful form!
Coach Ilg,
I hope this message finds you well.
During the EEE-GAD workout of TBT, I have been doing one set of dumbell press at 15lbs, and then the second set at 12lbs. This past weekend, at the end of the first set, I was feeling strong, and decided to challenge myself by staying with the higher weight for the second set. I was doing well, until right at the end: with about 10 seconds left, my form broke down entirely. I knew that I was at the threshold of muscle failure, and I could not have continued, so I stopped there.
Should I have done anything differently?
I thank you in advance for your always sage advice.
Noble Warrior Paul,
Less is More.
Postural Elegance and Conscious Breathing is Top Priority in WF Strength Training workouts.
Never quit, however.
You are not allowed to quit in the Bardo.
You must maintain skilled and conditioned Consciousness for as long as Eternity…
what do you TAF i am training you for, TiddilyWinks?
Next time, just drop down to the 12 lbs (have them “on deck” as we say in WF Iron Temple lingo), or 10 lbs, or 5’s or just fucking press your empty hands up and down until the 1:00 mark is reached…the summit must be gained!
coach ilg
Ed. Note; Paul is a beginning student of WF, using and documenting his initial excursions into WF on his own Coach Ilg-Approved blog: