i call Students of Wholistic Fitness “Noble Warriors” for go(o)d reason; it requires tremendous bravery to create the time (not one of us “has the time”…warriors CREATE their Practice time) to sit still, day after day, run after run, workday after workday,and breathe into the locked up energetic gunk that lies deep within our hips known as the “Root Granthi” or the psychospiritual energetic blockage that results in tight hip musculature.
while opening the hips, the Noble Warrior may be quite surprised at the volume of undigested anger, frustration, annoyance, and a host of other defilements which lay like ferocious Dragons protecting our ego, our fear, our addiction to comfort instead of what the genuine yogi lives for, trains for, is devoted utterly toward; “tivra mumuksha”…the intense burning desire for liberation! WF only appeals to the real yogin; the seeker of Union transcendent beyond all duality and destroyer of all separation. As Sogyal Rinpoche relates; “One of the most important revelations of the near-death experience is how it transforms the lives of those who have been through it. One man said:
�I was transformed from a man who was lost and wandering aimlessly, with no goal in life other than a desire for material wealth, to someone who had a deep motivation, a purpose in life, a definite direction, and an overpowering conviction that there would be a reward at the end of life. My interest in material wealth and greed for possessions were replaced by a thirst for spiritual understanding and a passionate desire to see world conditions improve.�
reaching deeper in my HP Yoga approach toward the pose known as the “cow face pose” or gomukasana. in HP Yoga, i do not Teach students to use their hands as crutches upon Mother Earth in seated postures; i Teach what the Scriptures teach; use focused pranayam (half of Hatha Yoga means ‘breath development’), mudras and bandhas to create internal floatation and proper energetic conditioning. it is appalling to see what is being taught as “yoga” in most classes, yet…i suppose if the ‘teacher’ is guiding his or her students safely, then the Light Of Yoga will eventually be illumined if the student is sincere. this shot was taken mere minutes of blasting a 3 mile mountain trail run…the endurance athlete must work triple time compared to “studio yogis” who do not yet know or are willing to train across the physiologic spectrum like the WF Yogin! these studio yogis will be quite disappointed when they Wake Up enough to realize; the true definition of Yoga is to Learn from and Embrace ALL aspects of the human body…not just suppleness!
another Granthi is located precisely where we are most afraid to lead our life; our Heart Center or Anahata Chakra. most of us lead our life from our hips… the Fear Line. this is why so few beautiful Posturally Strong people exist compared to the slumped shoulder, hip leading (lower chakra addicted) masses. once again, the WF Yogin must pour volumes of solitude into the opening of the shoulders and heart the places where we ‘shoulder’ the burdens of the Outer World and shrink away from Inner work of opening toward Compassionate Love.
If a person opens his or her hips, heart, and shoulders, the poisons of the common man; greed, fear, need for security, possessiveness, and ignorance would dissipate like a finished kirtan chant into the embers of growing starlight.
May this entry Serve All Beings to free their own poisons and to Awaken for the benefit of all Beings everywhere…
workout hard today
breathe softly tonight…
it is a long way h(om)e yet, with each other…
we can do it,
My Noble Warriors of Wholistic Fitness!
the mountain yogi
photos by Ananda, photo of the WF Garden Buddha by ilg