Planning for the future is like going fishing in a dry gulch;Nothing ever works out as you wanted, so give up all your schemes and ambitions.If you have got to think about something�Make it the uncertainty of the hour of your death.
{coach, working the chi in a southwest canyon. photo by Ananda}
Dear Coach Ilg,
I recently came across your book and was appreciative to find a resource that resonates so completely with the work I do. Using this teaching is not only enhancing my own practice, but also becoming one of my essential recommended resources for my clients. I really appreciate the balance inherent in the work–content and presentation.
Every once in a long while, I discover a teaching–a book, a phrase, agesture, a human being–and I have a visceral response from deep within—a fully embodied yes—an intuitive affirmation that this teaching is resonating at the right frequency for who I am in this moment urging me to pay attention and respond. This is what happened with your book (Total Body Transformation).
I discovered it online- Quite despite myself (forgive me), I clicked on the opening pages somewhat expecting yet
another book that I would have to piece together with other resources in order for it to be of most value, and found instead a beautiful, robust offering in one book—and one that is accessible to a wide audience. And I found myself drawn to your pages like a moth to flame, so of course, I waited a few weeks [grin] because sometimes the first impression is simply an illusory desire, yes?, pointing at some deeper realization, and rediscovered your book and that internal YES at a
bookstore caf�…and I paid attention.
So thank you for teaching me. I look forward to unfolding your work and that YES more completely.
Warm regards,
PS. Please know that while you are most welcome to respond, I don’t
expect a response… I just wanted to express my gratitude and
acknowledge the beauty of your offering.
Beloved Coach,
thank you my living wonder;) the CHI on DL has been so incredible…all i’ve been able to do is shake my head from side to side in utter amazement. no worries…i won’t just skake…i’ll write also;) see you in a few days!