Reflections on Rushing and Seeking, Yet Never FINDING!
Stalwart WF Warrior and Surfing Shaman Dan Salimone with his wife, Leilani
dear coache’,
a moment?
first, thank-you for sharing wisdom,
and adventures…
second, i bow low to your podium
performance last weekend…
we all know who earned,
not “took” first place …
this caused me to reflect on the nature of things i see around me lately,
seems that we are living in an age of “entitlement”,
instead of an age of “privalage”.
most people have this attitude, that they feel entitled….i hear and see
all around me…”i worked hard for this over-priced sports car or over hyped/priced gaz-guzzlling unappropriate suv…
therfore, i am entiteld to drive too fast, or jump curbs/median lines like they do on television,
or roar down the bike path lane, nearly taking out a young warrioress commuting, all to get
7 car lengths in front….and just what was he rushing to!
well, on saturday in santa cruz..that individual was wasting no time to get to his own accident,
yes folks..karma hit like a sledge hammer…after i stopped for gas, and meandered on my way i came upon the scene
of his sport car firmly planted into and under the rear end of a family station wagon, 2 police cars with officers taking notes,
kids crying next to their parents,and the sound of an ambulance siren approaching….
and this individual gesturing that it wasn’t his fault..really?
and all for what? … i dunno…
instead of taf-ing that he had a received a privelage,
that was to be appreciated and not abused…
that to me is the difference between wf warriors/esses..
we appreciate everything we’ve earned and have,
and try to live life to the fullest of each moment,
rather than rushing from moment to moment,
place to place,
missing the lessons and hidden meanings…
and never meeting the real teacher,
and learning….
they rush and seek,
and seek..
yet do not find..
we WF warriors/esses move carefully in life,
finding and appreciating these
moments we have before bardo.
keep going beloved coache’,
your noble sangha is with you and the dedicated wf staff.
student dansan
p.s. Here is a pre pregnancy picture…Leilani is due next week….
Baby Arriana is ready for her first wf day!