SUNRIDER: Where To Start Them?
Coach Ilg’s, “Body Vehicle,” as he calls it. Capable of overcoming severe spinal injury and unmatched multisport and extreme feats, Coach’s body has relied exclusively upon the SUNRIDER HERBS + pranayama for its primary sources of Chi since 1982. “I trust in Dr. Chen. That’s it. I trust that his world class herbs cleanse, strengthen, and balance my cells. That frees me from worrying about the confusion of what to eat and allows me to focus on providing the other aspects toward Enlightenment; training my mind and spirit. Bascially, i let the herbs take care of my body while i take care of producing sweat and inner stillness. Simple, really.” – coach ilg. photo/
“We are not going to change people’s eating habits, no matter how hard we try. But, if we can just get some of our foods into them, they will begin to change on their own. A healthier eating habit will be created and the body will demand more “good stuff”.”
– Dr. Chen
Founder of SUNRIDER; The Official Nutritional Program of Wholistic Fitness
Coach Ilg’s Herbal Master
The information that you will soon read below was gleefully gained from our very own Trish Childers, the amazing woman who is my direct upline in the Official Nutritional Program of WF; SUNRIDER!
WF Teachers Ananda and Sheader are profiled currently on her website:
Many of you have expressed great interest in getting yourself or other ‘selves’ onto ‘the Herbs,’ as i affectionately call the SUNRIDER system. However, many of you are also financially challenged…uh, who ISN’T these days?! ALL THE MORE REASON to join SUNRIDER and start creating a Healthier more ENERGETIC body and mind while earning some extra dinero! Dr. Chen is a financial genius besides the world’s most amazing and powerful Herbalist! He created the company so that people like you and i have absolutely NO EXCUSE for NOT eating the BEST CHI NUTRITION on the planet! all you gotta do is be brave enough to 1) Join the Temple Garden of SUNRIDER, 2) Eat the herbs yourself, and 3) get about 6 people to do precisely what i just told you to do!
that’s it, baby!
you do that and you too will be living a life singing with Health, Fitness, and Financial Stability! Just read and feel the POWERFUL CHI in my daily online journal:
so, for those of you that do not yet feel capable to describe or imbibe my world-class and unique 3-Stage Approach To Using The SUNRIDER Herbs…Trish offers the following as an option:
Just Get Some Foods in Them…
So, where do we start someone on a limited budget with no major health challenges?
$66.20: Metabalance 44 & Fortune Delight, four 10 packs
I heard DR Chen say one time that Metabalance is the “poor man’s Sunpack”. It is very powerful and even just eating one capsule a day will make a big difference.
Peach Fortune is a “warming tea” for the intrinsic and all the long muscles of the body, plus it helps balance the afternoon blood sugar drop most people experience. Adding Sunny Dew to the mix will take the cost up to $83.20, but what a difference this little product can make.
$104.40: Energy Plus, Herb Cal Tabs, Fortune Delight, Quinary Caps
These products will give a good sampling of the SR quality, and it’s products that most people are familiar with.
Our Energy Plus is a food based essential fatty acid, not water-soluble. The RDA is 1200 IU daily, so eating 6 a day is the minimum. This product helps with the integrity of the arteries and helps us control & stop stress.
Herb Cal innately has Vitamin E, plus our bodies need at least 1200 to 1400 IU of calcium daily, so that is 4 to 5 tabs a day.
Peach Fortune Delight, I’ve already spoken about.
Quinary Caps contain over 50 different foods in each cap, when was the last time any of us ate over fifty foods in one day? We need at least 3 caps a day. Most people spend more money on junk foods in a day then what this product costs. The side effect of Quinary is to stop craving junk food at all!
$168: JET SET
Joi, Top & Eze, 3 each every day will product a body that is calmer, cooler & more articulate. What more could anyone want?
$181.36 Vitalite Pack: A $181.36 weight loss special! Eaten once a day will allow the body to start develop healthier eating habits. Remember that the body will not allow weight loss if it is unhealthy. First, the body needs to feel better, then it will loose inches, and finally the weight comes off…in a healthy, permanent way.
(All prices quoted are from the Sunrider Sales Price List.)
It’s a place to start. So start someone TODAY!