Published on Sep 28, 2005 by in Uncategorized



“Ripples make waves.”
– coach ilg, 1983


ThOMas Ward, who i just profiled here in DIRECT LINES, has chosen to practice Bravery in the mountain yoga tradition; he has chosen to re-open his Blog and devote it to helping others through this sadhana; Honesty. In his blog of two days ago, he writes,
“I am an overweight, older guy, single father raising kids on one income, not good looking, or overly athletic, but little by little, each day, I become smarter, sexier, better looking, richer, smaller in body, and larger in spirit. These things are vital to the earth vibrations. Your presence makes a difference, your participation makes a difference to you in quality of life, peace, health, happiness, feelings of connection, community and wholeness.”

Gems, spiritual ones, fall from the pen of this Noble WF Warrior with an inner velocity of self acceptance that seems to catapult from a simple yet mature love that can only come from a long BattleDance within ones own human spirit. His writing, reminds me of one of my spiritual fathers; Henry David Thoreau…an American yogi who, like Emerson, like Synder, like Abbey after him, lined up on the side of Nature in order to chase his own spiritual star.

If you are a fan of Direct Lines, then make sure you Bookmark this WF-Approved Blog and visit it as often as you do this Root Temple. These WF-Approved blogs are like spiritual cairns hidden within the lower chakra pandemonium of the internet and shall guide humanity toward that which Serves their Higher Self. Most of us may have deep down energetic blockages which keep us from attracting Divine Gifts and Insights. Reading WF-Approved Blogs each day such as Warrior Ward’s help us find and love that inner Teacher that knows the impeccable timing of when to Gift you what you need at the right time.

Now is the right time to re-organize your Internet Bookmark Bar and the first few links should be the WF-Approved Blogs below. I will start with ThOMas Ward’s since his is the most recent:

blog author: ThOMas Ward, WF Devotee and Sunrider Herbal Warrior

blog author: Chris “Kokanda” Roche, WF Teacher and Yoga Instructor

blog author: Paul Mount, WF Devotee

blog author: Quentin “Teacher Q” Vaughan, WF Teacher (Coming Soon!)

I will close with ThOMas Ward’s Opening Blog Entry.
I bow to all of you, brave enough to penetrate the Darkness of Kali Yuga with the Torch Carrying Duties of a WF Warrior-Sharing! Pick up your DharmaSword and help by sharing what you have to give; Sacred Insight From WF Sweat and Stillness!

om mani padme hung,

coach ilg

Monday, September 26, 2005
Thomas Ward Blog:

i am re-opened with this directive…Be Honest.

i bow to you within the circle of water Coach ilg. I bow to you all from within the great circle of water…the streams, lakes, rivers and the great oceans in the circle, even our bodies are 70% water.

I eat. It has been pointed out to me that the vast majority of earth’s people are starving to death. In honor and horror of this fact, i dedicate my meals to mindfulness. Small portions, lovingly prepared, eaten in reverence and awe. What color is it, who grew it, who picked or packaged it, who moved it? Bless them and send them metta.

In the morning i plant my feet on the earth and breathe the elixor of life. i walk the dragon and feel the foundation. Saluting the sun as she appears on the horizon, sitting in stillness by the pond, feeling the freshness of the day, the cricket singing his melody to the grass, the fish seeking the insect, as i seek the center singing om mani padme hung and om shanti shanti shanti. Noon will bring the Ai Imawa postures and sacred breathe as my cells cry out for the sweet sweat of evening ritual. Heart beating, limbs supple, mind clear, sweat rolling…Here is life, here is passion, here is noble pursuit.

This is what you seek. Find it now….Join me…. You where made for it, but I warn you, once you step on the path, you will know. What have they (all the they’s all your life) told you about spirit, growth, peace, happiness, inner strength, health, compassion, harmony? It is all here. And the voice is strong and people who hear it embrace the steep climb, it is not for the weak. Oh, you are expected to begin that way….weak, disconnected, scattered. But set your mind on the path, embrace the precepts, be constant. Start. Continue. Is that not simple enough?

Come visit me as i find my way to there.

Namaste from the old guy in the yoga toes, sippin herbal beverage and reading ancient wisdom on modern technology. Ain’t it grand?


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