“Oh, so you are Fat? Hell, we are all fat in one form or another, otherwise we would be Enlightened! Enter the Spiritual Journey by way your fatness in whichever form your fat currently exists. Don’t worry, as you continue to Practice, you will find many, many other forms of Fatness upon you. Dwindling our Fatness is a lifetime Practice; i say, Dwindle thy fat to Elevate thy Spirit.”
– Coach Ilg
Each of us have had to Meet the Dragon of overeating. My book, AI IMAWA; Postures and Practice of Inner Harmony describes a Practice and a Philosophy that helps me deal with my tendency to overeat (in many Ways).
Today, like yesterday, i will have to use the Grace of my Teachers and crank my iccha shakti (power of determination) to say, “no” to more Impulses to Eat than i will actualize the eating of physical food. Today, like yesterday, i will rely upon the SUNRIDER herbs, WF Daily Lifestyle Techniques, and pure iccha shakti to slay again and again my Lower Self from not overeating.
Few Americans will learn how to Calm, and then Walk this formidable Dragon of OverEating (or InAppropriate Eating). Those of us that have had the Grace of wise Teachers who will not compromise their Tough Love to show us Mastery over Physical Food, still must execute daily Practices not to overeat. My Teachers taught me, “If you are fat, you are greedy. If you are fat, that fat represents the former lives that you did not do Inner Work. Fat is Karma. If you are fat, you have yet to learn how to develop and sustain your iccha shakti. If you are fat, you are addicted to comfort and scared of consistent intensity. If you are fat, you eat more than you need while most of the world is starving. That is not yogic, nor kind. If you are fat, you will not be able to sustain the filament of Consciousness required for the Bardo.”
And you think I’M TOUGH?!?! My Teachers showed no mercy, no fucking pampering of my Attachments to junk food, alcohol, TV OverWatching (yes, TV OverWatching IS the same as OverEating Junk Food), etc. As i created WF however, i was not as Brave in such Boldness as were/are my Teachers. I have tried to be a bit more, uh, diplomatic? Sensitive? Anyway, in WF, the condition of being fat is seen as an absolutely superb place to begin what the Buddha said matters most upon our last breath: How fully did you live (fat people can’t do a lot of fun things in life let alone have energy to sustain sadhana)? How deeply did you love (including yourself), and how willing were you to let go (of old habits and negative tendencies)? On your dying breath, these three things will matter most about just how beautifully and strong you CHOSE to sing your contribution to the UniVerse (OnePoem).
ANYONE who follows my approach to these “secret herbs” of our Way,
loses fat, keeps it off, empowers their cells, amplifies their Pranic constitution, and feels their daily energy ignite toward
that of a world-class athlete. ‘Nuff Said.
Eat an herb,
Coach Ilg
SUNRIDER’s National SV Leader, 2004
* Coach Ilg’s unique approach to using the world’s most concentrated, regenerative whole foods ushers students along a very easy, convenient, and powerful 3-Phase Approach as outlined in his most recent book, TOTAL BODY TRANSFORMATION. The 3-Phases are:
1) Fat Loss/Cell Cleansing
2) Cell Empowerment/Chi Building
3) Lifestyle Maintenance/Skin Care
click on one of the WF Certified Teachers on the left margin to join the Temple Garden of WHOLISTIC FITNESS since 1983; SUNRIDER HERBS, baby!