Published on Oct 11, 2005 by in Uncategorized



Long before the words, “Chi Running” became the latest Buzzword, i was coaching and performing in multi-CHI RUNNING Ways through my books, such as THE WINTER ATHLETE (cover shown above) and the now classic of its genre, “THE OUTDOOR ATHLETE.” You want CHI RUNNING? Put on some Sport Snowshoes and start cranking off 1 minute deep powder Zone 4 Intervals…at 10,300′ as shown above, captured by World Class Photographer; Marc Romanelli which produced the cover for what i consider my best book for learning key Wholistic Fitness� concepts, chi-filled programs, and philosophies.

Below, i exchange some CHI RUNNING DharmaTalk with Noble Online Student Alan Ludgate as he and i have evidently brought his body, mind, and spirit to a pre-event perfect PEAK through WF + SUNRIDER herbs!

“WF; The Path Works, When You Work The Path!”
-Coach Ilg

Congratulations to you and Ananda for your noble efforts over the weekend. I am inspired to push ever higher.

yeah baby…like Student Featherman in today’s DL; just gotta WANT the Bardo! you gotta WANT to push into that GRAY ZONE (DIVINE ZONE)
where your mind and breath blur the line between the Outer Pain and the Inner Dimension wherein lay so many Astral Tools…
go for the BARDO MOMENT!
sell your SOUL for learning something DEEPER about yourself!

As we might say in Maine, I am feeling WICKED STRONG!! Did my track interval workout over the weekend, and I was flying around that track. The Hum Sahs were floating through the air, and so was I.

how long has it been since i told you, I Love you!?!?

Two funny moments:
There were a bunch of high school kids playing football on the infield of the track. One of the kids jumped on the track next to me twice during my last set of “sprint the straights / job the curves”. Both times he got the jump on me at the top of the straight, but even at that point in the workout I had more in the tank and reeled him in before the finish. After the second run, he turned and said “yo, you’re strong, yo”, probably the highest praised I could ever get from an 18 year old!
My mad dashes up and down the track started getting more and more attention from the players and their posses. My favorite comment as I launched myself pell mell down the backstretch “Run Forrest Run!!”

CLASSIC!!!!!! dat’s my Boy; Run FORREST, RUN!

I visualize that I will run fast this Sunday, but even if I don’t, victory has been secured. I have never felt so dialed in, so strong, so connected…ever.

i have Served you well.

Go(o)d Night-
Student L

Go(o)d Night, my cherished Student…
May your dreams impart GENUINE “chi running!”

yo, your coach in your Sacred Corner, yo!

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