Published on Nov 26, 2005 by in Uncategorized



“WF…it is no miracle, it is years of coach’s’ mind/body training that has led to this fabulous way of yoking our bodies.”

Dearest Coach,
As promised, day two.
It should be noted, that I was staying at Sedona while visiting you. Due to the Vortexes located there, my chi was really amped and I had not been able to sleep very much the preceding nights. Well, after day 1 with you, I slept like a baby. Thank you for that.
Day 2, started in the zendo with some serious meditation and pranayama work. Coach, you artistically led me deeper and deeper into meditation. With each meticulous stroke of your brush the proper bandhas were activated. The appropriate techniques were employed and ida and pingala were humming with pran. Gotta tell you coach, the princess definitely saw some of the luminous white light traveling in the sushumna that day in the zendo. After what felt like only a fraction of a moment, you guided me back safely. I have never done meditation like that ever. As stated previously, I have done my share of breath control and meditation at the temples in Japan and China, and what I felt with you was very special. Most people do not know how tough this work really is. When we finished, I had completely soaked my shirt through with sweat. After the restful corpse pose, it was time for a “weenie” workout with you. Very intense and fun at the same time. You introduced some novel techniques into my repertoire. More than anything I will remember the “ilg finger tendonators.” What an incredible routine you have for not only pumping up the forearms but also the hands and fingers. Perfect for grappling and climbing. Gotta love you coach.

*Alex, pre fatigued from meditation and strength training with coach, now under the Padmasambhava gaze of one of nation’s most astute yoga teachers; Ananda. *

No time for the weary. Off to some hp yoga with the one and only Ananda. She is such a skilled teacher. The way she guides your alignment is truly masterful. I had mentioned that I noticed my hip flexors still carry a lot of tension due to years of heavy squatting. She carefully took notice, and sequenced a link of asanas together to unravel my tight muscles. She is truly meticulous in your teaching. She kept a watchful eye, and every time I reverted to my not so good habits, she lovingly brought my attention to it. Thank you Sensei Ananda for your brilliant teaching. I shall remember to keep my tail bone in as I inner spiral my femur bones. HP Yoga is truly a yoga made for athletes. HP yoga seems to miraculously target the areas of tension that athletes tend to carry. We know it is no miracle, it is years of coach’s’ mind/body training that has led to this fabulous way of yoking our bodies. After a wonderful lunch in a quaint restaurant in downtown flagstaff, we were off for the biggest adventure; MOUNTAIN CLIMBING. What a perfect spot you picked in the oak creek canyon. After a wonderful hike down the precipice of the mountain, we arrived at our destination. Boy, was I in for quite a surprise. One thing is to climb in a gym, another is to climb on a 7000ft mountain with nothing to catch you except trees and boulders. Coach first led the assault setting up the line we would use. You were gracious enough to set up a top rope since I am such a rookie at this. Gracia’s maestro. After a few encouraging word and some instructions, it was my turn up the face of the mountain. After climbing maybe 20 feet, I had to really return to my breath to overcome the doubt that was setting in. My ego mind was really doing a number on me. Then coach, you shouted to me to keep breathing and to look down at my feet and let them loose. As you remember coach, that was all I needed cause I just kept climbing all the way to the top with single minded determination. No room to allow fear into this flat lander. This was just a warm up though. You then guided us to the next climb, which was just one long crack in the side of this mountain. Talk about short lived confidence. Coach, as you know, I got about half way up and the mountain would have none of it. It wasn’t gonna let this kook (rookie) climb up without paying his dues. A little blood and sweat was needed from me to appease the mountain gods. Just when my fingers were fried, you encouraged me to go for it one more time. This time I saw our brother raven circling and squawking above us. I knew I would be protected, and I let go of the fear. Work my feet , stretch the right hip, jam my hands into the crack, forget about pain, blood and ego. Just keep going. Finally one dyno move to that big jug hold and I had overcome all that which held me back from self actualizing in the moment. Bardo training 101. If you don’t learn to overcome fear, and find “quiet mind” while your heart is banging out of your chest, how will you be able to embrace the bardo and make the leap. Where will your heart, mind and spirit be when that moment comes to you. Will you be running scared stiff or will you serenely see the truth of the moment; that everything that is born must die and energy changes from one form to the next constantly. It is through this type of training coach that I trust will lead me to see the totality of the moment.
Then coach it is was off through a beautiful sunset to sedona to say our goodbyes. It is with much love that I departed from the both of you, and it is with much love that I shall see the both of you again.
Love and Honor,
Your grappling student Alex

WF Devotee Alex considers DL his, “lifeblood” and “loves to read about other members of the WF Sangha.” He works as a Physician Assistant in Miami.

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