“We may say, and even half-believe, that compassion is marvelous, but in practice our actions are deeply uncompassionate and bring us and others mostly frustration and distress, and not the happiness we are all seeking.
Isn�t it absurd that we all long for happiness, yet nearly all our actions and feelings lead us directly away from that happiness?
What do we imagine will make us happy? A canny, self-seeking, resourceful selfishness, the selfish protection of ego, which can as we all know, make us at moments extremely brutal. But in fact the complete reverse is true: Self-grasping and self-cherishing are seen, when you really look at them, to be the root of all harm to others, and also of all harm to ourselves.”
– Sogyal Rinpoche
For those of us who Practice WF,
as we advance along our Path,
we may find ourselves time and time again smiling at just how amazingly
is the WF Path.
One of the most Potent Arrows in the WF Quiver of Lifestyle Principles is the first one; BREATH and POSTURE.
If we can just ARRIVE at that point in our Daily Practice where we begin NOTICING PATTERNS then we can begin to
isolate which of those Patterns are like low lying snakes in the grass of our uncultivated chakral fields.
God is Perfect.
Life is Perfect.
It is how (wo)Man chooses to REACT to the circumstances, swirls, and overall process of life that makes our life
meaningful, sad, happy, Buddhalike, or keeps us wandering around on top of our beautiful earth like ugly slugs just
surviving…whippety do…
my first Lifestyle Priniciple; BREATH AND POSTURE buys us the most important factor in long term Transformation; INNER SPACIOUSNESS. without that factor, we go on grasping and reacting, grasping and reacting endlessly. With a return to Consciousness by way of taking a conscious breath and adjusting our Posture, we create SPACE before reactive, emotive bullshit habits occurs. the chances of us speaking kindly – to ourselves and to others increases greatly.
After Purification of Speech (inward and outward) the Masters teach us; follows purification of action. so, start with speech (self talk).
I don’t know if you are like me and all too often UNDERESTMATE the tremendous POWER within the the Dharma Arrow of WF Lifestyle Principle Numero Uno…
Probably you do.
Probably, you, like me, tend to belittle the amazing STRENGTH of the WF Path with her subtle, simple yet proven Techniques for transforming the Mundane and the Unconscious into the Sacred Joy of an Awakened Life.
Ananda and i are driving back over the Mohave and up, up, up the Mogollon Rim to our Beloved Sacred Peak,
punching herself like the Divine Earth Mother’s hands folded in a 13,000′ “Namaste mudra” volcanic expression.
i ain’t leaving until i crank off my favorite MTB ride; Reseda to the Sea on my cross bike! 35-miles of Santa Monica Mountain ridges hovering above the shimmering Pacific…besides, it’s gonna be like 80 degrees in LA…back h(om)e the high is gonna be…uh…uh…like 35. ooooof. harsh transition! LOVE IT!!!!
So, Oh Noble Practicing Sangha,
please send Ananda and i some Protection from the Semi Truck Hoodlums as we make the drive today…and i bow to Mother Earth for the fossil fuels associated with bringing us both here to LA and back again.
Our time in LA was VERY fun, powerful, and just wait until we show you what we have manifested to Serve our LA Sangha in the future!
Live today like you mean it; Live it with your Heart pointed toward Enlightenment!
coach ilg