Gradually, as you remain open and mindful, and use a technique to focus your mind more and more, your negativity will slowly be defused; you begin to feel well in your own skin, or, as the French say, �tre bien dans sa peau (�well in your own skin�). From this comes release and a profound ease. I think of this practice as the most effective form of therapy and self-healing.
– Sogyal Rinpoche
* I have Self Healed so many dang injuries i have lost count…nowdays, i pretty much look forward, in a way, to inevitable in-Jurys and aches and pains of living a full WF Warrior life. Why do i say such a thing? Because i have been Blessed by such severe and chronic pain and inJury, that i realize – at a Cellular Level – that in Listening To my inJury’s – i gain so many more poignant Inner Tools For Transformation. Just last summer a several decade old elbow inJury rose once again to the forefront of my Consciousness. I eased the inJury into my Priority Yoga; i made it my Meditation; i followed acutely the blockage of chi in my elbow…i self massaged, i invented arcane yoga postures; all to target the compression and release and eventual Transformation of the elbow inJury…I CHERISHED the WHOLE PROCESS! not one aspirin, not one drug…just the “Secret Herbs’ of WF and Awareness baby…just the Secret Herbs and Awareness. What else does one really need for Transformation through ALL difficulties?
Never run away from an inJury…run INTO it with fervor to purify and overcome your karma contained within the angry tissues…inJurys are just like tiny volcanoes of undone past inner work rising to the surface of your Awareness.
Your Workout is Everywhere; particularly within InJury’s!
that is all,
coach ilg