i really don’t have any expertise about using herbs or nutrition for ‘treating’ colds or flus. i speak, write, Teach, and DEFINITELY enjoy living on the other side of the fence; the World Class Health and Fitness side! my target is Enlightenment in this lifetime, and quite honestly, i can’t afford the waste of precious and FUN training time due to the illnesses and allergies so predictable among the common man. I rely upon and eat the SUNRIDER Herbs to make sure my immune system and five elements vibrate at a Level too High to be vulnerable to the airborne germs and contact crud which plague the common human. Rise Above, Oh Noble Warrior! In my opinion, the Fastest, most Powerful RocketShip out of the mundane level of being susceptible to the colds and flus of common society? It’s easy and makes you BOMBPROOF to the illnesses of the masses; Get on the SUNRIDER herbs! Use my 3-Phase Approach and SOAR ABOVE!!!! It’s go(o)d Up Here!

On Dec 21, 2005, at 3:12 PM, Melissa wrote:

Dear coach,

So many people are experiencing these intense cold and flu detoxes during this time. Can you recommend herbs for those? Especially if someone is having nausea/sensitive stomach, and after the detox is complete to replenish the body?

Thank you,

� Hi Melissa!
thank you for your questions.
in a word, “No.”
i cannot recommend herbs for those who do not eat them throughout the year.
what i mean is, SUNRIDER Herbs are NOT for “curing” or “treating”.
the SUNRIDER Herbs are in what the Chinese term, “Royal Herbs,” which means that they are meant to be eaten everyday to cleanse, nourish, and support all five organ systems and elements in the body. when we do this, we support two Immune Systems; the T-Cell and the Respiratory Immune Systems.

The illness’s that affect the common food eaters during the Holidays are just by products from not eating accurate, powerful, regenerative whole foods throughout the year. the Holidays are kinda like a big competition or performance…we should train and eat really, really well throughout the months leading up to the Holidays.

Trying to suddenly eat SUNRIDER Herbs to combat already attained colds, flus does not work. For those situations, you need to consult somebody who knows about MEDICINAL, or what the Chinese term; Toxic Herbs. such herbs are intended for Acute blockages of chi. SUNRIDER Herbs are Royal Herbs, intended for daily enjoyment and cell empowerment.

I suppose the best SUNRIDER could offer in an illness-afflicted state is VitaSpray for an instant B-Complex hit to help the purging of the chi blockage and perhaps Calli to assist in drawing the cellular residue from the phlegm and other humors out of the membranal structures.

But really, i have no expertise on the “sick” side of life.

I am all about the other side of the fence; world class health and performance. and, since i cannot recall the last time i was sick, i really don’t have anything to offer you via Direct Experience.

My counsel is to have “sick” people learn their lesson, ride out their illness, then get them over to the other side of the fence; THE SUNRIDER SIDE! it sucks getting sick, so why not Rise Above it?

And, never ever do a “detox” that depletes your body! That is absurd. The genius of SUNRIDER, particularly of my 3-Phase Approach to using them, is that your cells are continually cleansed and empowered and regenerated at the same time! There is no need to fast while on the SUNRIDER program. Fasting depletes and dehydrates the cells and damages their structure and physiology. Don’t do any stupid “detox” that requires even the feeling of needing to be “replenished”…the genuine detox, done wisely and safely, works hand in hand with the subtle anatomy and thus gradually elevates the Warrior’s entire Being to a Higher Level without depletion. My 3-Phase Approach to using the SUNRIDER Herbs is all you need…22 years of proving grounds with all type of people, helps most people make this an easy experiment to enjoy!

I hope this helps and you have a GREAT Holiday!

i bow to you from beneath the Sacred Mountain,

coach ilg, ryt/uscf/cpt
author/Total Body Transformation

complimentary Daily WF Meditation:


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