‘Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them [who]… persecute you.’
– Jesus Christ
Humble and Powerful Desert Yogi

Now THAT is some Crazy Shit..How Crazy is that Coaching? “…do good to them that HATE you?” “Bless them that CURSE you?”… you mean, instead of cursing traffic idiots and stoplights i am supposed to BLESS them?! i am supposed to BLESS those people that SUE others? that STEAL? i am supposed to actually turn around and do GOOD to those sonofbitches that SCREWED ME AND MY FAMILY!?!?

How Crazy is THAT Dharma?!

Next thing you know, that crazy yogi JC will start telling us not to overeat, to wisely limit our water and other resources, appreciate our bodies enough to take care of them, and, hec, knowing Him, He’d probably tell us to actually, “Be still, and KNOW that we are God.” Phewwwee! What a crazy mofo…they oughta lock him up and torture him to death for saying such nasty things.

Oh wait a minute…WE did!


Too often, we base our Prayer and/or Meditation upon precisely what they are designed to dwindle; Need and Greed.

We think that if we begin to Meditate, then our illusioned Needs will be filled and our Greedy cup for inner peacefulness will be magically filled.

In Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, in the Chapter on Practice, verse 47: Prayatna saithilyananta samapatti-bhyam
‘By lessening the natural tendency for restlessness and by meditating on the infinite, posture is mastered.’

Listen to it, yogi!:
‘…by meditating on the infinite, posture is mastered.’

No mention of your Needs or Greeds being granted; screw that shit.

Here is what will be granted when you do what it takes – no matter what – each day – even today with family and friends gathering – to Arise EARLIER then the common man and MEDITATE; you do this long enough and you get what the Masters call, ‘posture.’

Keep that word in mind, for a couple more minutes:

My sincere and steadfast launch into Meditation about 25 years ago, brought me just the opposite of why most people Pray or Meditate. Most people Pray and Meditate, “to feel more peaceful,” ‘to be more happy.’ I don’t know, maybe i am WAAAY off base, yet in my Practice of Meditation (which in WF, i define as do the Tibetans; “Mental Training,”) such a new agey connotation of flakey wakey groovy Prozac bullshit ‘happiness’ just don’t gel. My Teachers taught me that a sincere and steadfast Prayer or Meditation Practice will bring us a Radical Intensity of Spirit matched by a an egoic Poverty of Matter-ilistic Pursuit. It will bring you, according to my Teachers, a type of omnipotent Clarity, sharp as Manjushree’s Sword, that will cut RIGHT THROUGH egoic and Outer World structures to bestow upon you a Grace of Higher Seeing and Feeling and Being. Through steadfast Meditation, we begin to See things differently through the transcendence of what i call, “the corpse of the egoic self.” Our posture, now more than merely physical, becomes elegant in multidimensional ways.

“In the West, people tend to be absorbed by what I call �the technology of meditation.� The modern world, after all, is fascinated by mechanisms and machines and addicted to purely practical formulas. But by far the most important feature of meditation is not the technique but the spirit: the skillful, inspired and creative way in which we practice, which could also be called �the posture.� – Sogyal Rinpoche.

Now, invoke an image of Yogi Jesus, ‘walking his talk’ of Unconditional Compassion and Forgiveness:
That, my friends, is called, Posture. You ready to truly HONOR this Yogi tomorrow, or are you just getting stoked for the presents and pie and tv and gossip that surrounds Holiday Gatherings? The Yogi must guard his or her Practice very closely during the Holidays to honor the first rule of Yogic Warriorism; Purity of Speech. This HolyDay, watch your tongue carefully. Make Purity of Speech (Sauca) your main Practice. Think of this image of the Birthday Boy and do not speak unless it is kind, true, and helpful.

This Holiday is the World Championship opportunity for the WF Warrior to really, deeply apply – like rarely able – my first Lifestyle Principle of WF: Breath and Posture.

I wish you go(o)d luck with applying your year-long growth in Transpersonal Fitness during the next couple of days.

May you,
like that Crazy Wisdom Desert Yogi Jesus Christ,
be the World Champion of Elegant Consciousness!

God Bless,

the mountain yogi

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