Awakening The Dance of Tapas

Published on Jan 30, 2006 by in Uncategorized


“The yogin must first know intellectually this map:

then realize that, “the map is not the territory,” and thus begin a lifetime of animating what the map FEELS like by way of sweat and stillness:Not until the Yogin animates the intellect by way of sweat and breath, will the inner engine of the Divine become known. What once began as doing a Barbell Curl more artfully, eventually becomes doing a Mula Bandha fanning of the Apana to Awaken the Flame of Kundalini. Two maps, it’s just that one map is more refined and takes more inner work to realize than the other. However, do not throw out the lessons of learning the first map! The yogic journey requires a plethora of inner skills, so start with a Barbell Curl and keep each new lesson of Sweat along the Way as you continue to dive deeper and deeper within yourself. They don’t call it the “Dive-in” (Divine) for nothing!” – coach ilg. Photo A: a snapshot of a Coach’s Subtle Anatomy 101 private instruction. Photo B: a snapshot of Coach animating some of the energetic forces explained in Photo A by way of yogic practices.


“Just as it is essential for a bodybuilder to know anatomically his or her “Muscle Map” in order to most artistically create symmetry and balance within each bodypart, so too must the ever evolving Fitness Practitioner superimpose the “Subtle Anatomical Map”upon their psycho/spiritual body to train the more important, more refined powers within the body/mind. The yogi must know two things; their inner map, and the sweat to animate the map. Intellectual knowledge of these ‘maps’ is less than half the battle. As Sri K. Pattabhi Jois stated so perfectly about the Journey of Self Cultivation, “1% Theory, 99% Perspiration.”

A medical practitioner knows the close relationship between the functions of ones organs. A very close relationship between respiratory and circulatory systems is clear. Even non-medical people can understand that “problems” in your colon effect your stomach. These kinships indicate that in order to have health, you have to pay heed, everyday, to all the limbs and organs of your body. Essentially, you simply cannot outfox the wisdom of a holistic approach when it comes to genuine, long-term care of the healing potentials of your body. These potentials must come from the inside out, and, as Swami Rama says, “make the best use of the resources that lie in the external world to support, heal , and nourish the forces that work inside you.”

If you are a fitness practitioner like myself, you will know that there is a close relationship between the desire to continue your fitness endeavor and the role of your inner spirit to animate that desire. In Yoga, this Dance of Desire and Action is known as your “tapas”…your “burning desire to Rise Higher.” (my definition). The degree of your Tapas is preconditioned by genetics, karmic factors, samskaras, and will. As long as you do not quit your Fitness Practice, you will be invited to witness, every day and in many clever often unSeen ways, the soap opera of the egoic structures. You will become intimate listener to the ceaseless rapport between your fitness and spiritual capacities.

I have found that Time shaves off zealous fitness ambitions efficiently. Over the course of a single decade, you clearly see how challenges in your motivation effect your body and health. This BattleDance of Desire versus Action, Sweat versus Rationalizations ensure that only the Tapasic Warriors enter the Heaven Within.

Spiritual Fitness carries a pre-requisite. It is this; Physical Fitness Across The Physiologic Spectrum. Think of it as a baseball player might know as, “first base.” The First Base of Spiritual Fitness is physical command of all the limbs and organs of your body. For most of us, just reaching First Base will be our lifetime practice. I have been attempting to reach First Base for over 25 years, 5 World Championships in a dizzying array of elite physiologic diversity. Regardless of how fit i keep growing, my ability of ever becoming a Master of my limbs and organic potential just continues to enthrall, entice, and astound me. Then again, i am a feeble yogin. I realize that my Enlightenment (Conscious Transcendence Beyond The Body and Breath Barriers) pivots upon my reaching of First Base and i do not attempt to Teach anything beyond First Base; Mastery of the Physical Body. Some think that they can reach H(om)e Base by cleverly skipping First Base (the Body). My Teachers, my reading of the Sacred Scriptures, and my own Intuitive Wisdom and professional experience tell me, “No, you must first know First Base before you ever have a chance of rounding the bases and heading H(om)e.”

*My self created symbol for Wholistic Fitness�. Notice that, like a Baseball Diamond, my four spokes of lines (which represent Rain or ‘Abundance” in the four directions of a human life), also give the impression of H(om)e Plate, First, Second, and Third Bases. I describe this symbol in basic terms on pages 9 and 12 of THE WINTER ATHLETE and TOTAL BODY TRANSFORMATION books, respectively. However, like the rest of WF, i ain’t gonna let you into her deeper meanings until enough WF Sweat and Stillness has passed through your pores!*

Thus, to help myself and as my Practice of Karma Yoga, i began to formulate Wholistic Fitness� practices in 1982 as a professional fitness model which requires the student to work with their entire anatomy, physiology, and psychology through a 9-Limbed graduated, progressive spoked Pathway of Five Fitness Disciplines (strength, cardio, yoga, meditation, and nutrition) and 4 Lifestyle Principles (breath & posture, mindfulness, appropriate action, and practice). The WF� Student awakens their Tapas potential from what is already stirring within, then makes the best use of their time (be they ‘householders’ or fitness athletes or yogic warriors) to cultivate more refined energetic Teachers that lie in their internal and external worlds. This system of WF� practices, which is taught in the traditional Eastern manner of Teacher/Student (one-on-one) uses the Western technology of internet communication to guide, protect, love, and care. The science of WF� begins with unique Western fitness modalities then increases the subtlety and artistry of inviting ever more refined fitness practices which dovetail into the Ancient Teachings of the East. The result, proven again and again over the decades with thousands of people, produces a mature Tapas that ignites the WF� practitioner’s Tapas for perfecting the process of integration and union…which in the East is known as, ‘yoga’.

The next level of WF� teaches us how to create a harmonious balance between our body and mind.

The final level of WF� before i hand the Student off to my Teachers is an introduction to the most refined level of Fitness known as Astral or “Energetic Realm” Fitness. I am a mere Beginning Dancer of those Realms and must rely heavily on exceptionally taxing Assignments from my MahaNidraRishi. My ongoing studies with MahaNidraRishi (which i began in earnest with Him,at the start of the nineties), makes training for and competing in multisport world-class athletics look like kindergarten stuff. The pain and purification of Astral Fitness is absolutely terrifying and it requires a tremendous Threshold of Overcoming Fear. That is why i chose extreme sports and physical fitness mastery as a prelude to my Astral Fitness. As my skill command increases in this “Higher Level Gym” continues, i promise to impart to you faithful and devoted WF Warriors that which may be of benefit to your Practice. Yet, you can be sure, that any Astral Fitness counsel i may provide you over the next Phase of my own Training For Enlightenment, will come as grounding to your Spiritual Self as are my 1 minute, Staccato Technique� Jump Squats! We are a very grounded Tribe of Spiritual Warriors. I do not allow New Agey Flakey Wakies in my Temple of Sweat and Stillness.

WF� is America’s Native Yoga…though it might begin with learning how to do a more artful, mindful Barbell Curl, the Path itself leads the aspirant quite quickly to Pratyhara or Sense Withdrawl…which in my opinion, is the most important target for a Western spiritual athlete to learn. Once the practictioner gains Pratyharic Fitness, their Intuitive Wisdom, Faith, and Trust begins to soar so fast that they will no longer require the formal Path of WF�. Then, i can move on to the next student in line. “
– coach ilg
founder/Wholistic Fitness�

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