Karma is not fatalistic or predetermined. Karma means our ability to create and to change. It is creative because we can determine how and why we act. We can change. The future is in our hands, and in the hands of our heart.
Buddha said:
Karma creates all, like an artist,
Karma composes, like a dancer.
– Buddha
Above; getting in the Early Morning Ritual workout. in this shot, i am beginning a Nauli (Stomach Cleansing) vinyasa. According to the yogic texts, Nauli is instrumental for wiping out the negative consequences of over-thinking habits, too much or too little sexual release/suppression issues, and poor physical and environmental nutrition. Nauli acts like an inner pump and churner to effect upon the ApanaVayu (naturally occurring thermodynamic Life Force that is entropic in nature and must be controlled by the yogin). If mastered, the ApanaVayu will reverse its nature and allow the PranaVayu (see previous DLs) to pull and draw that lower circulating Life Force higher up the chakral and vayu fields. To gain control with Nauli often requires meeting and dealing with lower chakra issues in the yogin’s Outer Life; sex, sensual comforts, attachments to money, shelter, family, ego identification, you know…all that great stuff that sends the common yogi running for his or her deluded life!…never, ever forget, Yoga is about Radical Self Transformation. You gotta want to ‘create and to change,” as the World Class Yogi Buddha taught. How BAAAAD do you want it, baby?!?!
i ran 12,265′ Agassiz Peak two days ago in 62 minutes flat. This Inner Workout stuff works. Recovery from that 6,000′ effort? not even a factor, baby. not bad for a guy who has a smashed pelvis and fractured lower back, eh? Yoga (WF) + the Secret Herbs of SUNRIDER = Perhaps The Greatest Most Tremendous Gift To Modern Man…you just got to want to Contain your Vital Energies, Learn how to Compose yourself, and DANCE!