Published on Feb 26, 2006 by in Uncategorized


Student Jones enjoying the Ai Imawa posture, “Holding Up Moon” while on telemark skis this week.
After struggling with the hard core, in your face WF Online Training studies for years, recently, his Abhyasa (constancy of effort) paid off with a Heart Opening Sartori…Student Jones’s life is deepening in multidimensional ways and this makes me smile…

Most Noble Coach Ilg,
your Early Morning Ritual� is shifting me to being more of a morning person, more alive, alert and motivated early. It is so nice and calm in the early AM. It does feel so good to be up and going and feel alive physically and
vibrationally thru the Prana.I am starting to feel more grace and rhythm, well attempting to be graceful…I can sorta feel what it would feel like to be graceful :). Anyway I feel the effects and think my body is responding in micro ways to the EMR. More room and more energy. Thank you.

Some days HP Yoga� is like jazz… I do what feels good when I can fit it in, sometimes means a yogi squat or hero or child’s pose around the woodstove while chatting with kids or wife or stopping and doing some warrior poses
and forward bends during the day.

Your Energy Vent Routine� has me thinking about pathways in my body and energy…interesting cross over in all this and yoga etc and its how it translates into more efficient Nordic skiing.

Notice how my legs are shoulder width here in the attached picture? As you noted this is felt as a more opening and inclusive position!

Life is abundant and I am blessed. I am working to see if I can get back to a level of health and fitness I have had and beyond. I want to feel what else there is to feel in this life. These are the first steps, no going backward now baby!!!!!!

I appreciate all you are helping me with Coach Steve Ilg.

Oh yea…DL is the shnizzle!


Student Jones

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