dear coache’,
a moment?
thank-you for the info….
is it true there is a ban
on snowboarding
at taos ski areas?
yes, thank god.
Taos is purely devoted to two boards…
Taos is, in my opinion, the absolute KING of tele skiing mountains…Telluride, a very close second.
i can’t even make it a third down Taos’s best stuff (Highline, West Basin Ridges, etc)
without my heart rate flirting with 200 bpms+
this feeble mountain yogi has to stop in between the Taos moguls the size of the Taos Pueblo itself
just to catch my breath and recup some more Fast Twitch muscle fibers to continue…
no shaved off bumps here cuz of the knuckledraggers
(i love snowboarding, by the way…i’m going tomorrow!)
probably wondering ..what would
cause ol’ dansan…to do this..
let alone contemplate it…
after 3 years of hard work
of medical sales
for my distributor company is well…
anyway i’m looking toward New Mexico
as some snow�falls on sacred peaks…
check out attached photos
around silicon valley..
the snow level went below 200′
…first time in 40yrs
that san jose had snow fall
and stayed on the ground…
we be getting ready for the move!
student dansan
follow the Pran, baby…
follow the Pran…
el coache
* Coach is a former Gold Medal Champion of the Taos Mountain Ski Stampede