in padmamayurasana several years ago.
at the time, my weekly hourly cardio volumes were 20+.
if taken as two separate Practices: 20+ hours/week of cardio as one Practice
and then,
sustaining padmamayurasana as another Practice
you have intermediate/advanced skill levels in each.
however, attempt to combine the two Practices?
suddenly you find yourself in a very, very small percentage of humanity.
even few yogis tread such an encompassing embrace of what “Yoga” really means.
one must be VERY careful not to Limit the notion of Yoga to merely one physiologic compartment like “flexibility”.
true Yoga must be explored within each physiologic capacity in order to honor the notion of Yoga.
it is, after all, the Science of Union…not the Science of Specialization!
Wholistic Fitness…America’s Native Yoga; MultiDisciplined In The Way of All Warriors
climb the Path!
Dear Coach,
There is wisdom in your responses…I will sit with it and gently ease back into Calli Night and let you know what comes up. I TAF that it is important to not attach to the dream-state, but to just observe the images that come up. Is it possible to meditate in your sleep (i.e., not attach to thoughts that come up)?
Namaste. I am humbled by your responses.
WF Online Student M
Purify thy normal consciousness State,
and the Teachings of the next Level and further (Higher) Guidance will become quite Clear
quite quickly in your Dream State Consciousness. Remember my Teachings about the OM Symbol!
that is all,
coach ilg
Photo 1; by Marc Romanelli, near White Rock, New Mexico
Photo 2; me and some ol’ bros of mine when i lived in Pagosa Springs, Colorado