Coach Ilg in a variation of Maha Mudra; the inner springboard into paranormal powers (for sport performance, fitness, and meditation), Kundalini Awakening, and eventual Enlightenment. “I first taught you how to do a Barbell Curl more elegantly and more consciously, now, the years ahead i will teach you how to safely attain far greater levels of fitness; Inner Fitness that will make your body, mind, and spirit more elegant and conscious.”
Most Noble DL Warriors-
beginning shortly in and ONLY in this DIRECT LINES; Subscription Format,
i will be imparting Ancient and Secret Teachings of the Maha Mudra (The Great Seal).
requirements for optimal transmission of Teaching:
- Daily Reading of DL (that should be considered a part of your Svadhyaya (spiritual self studies) by now
- Daily Early Morning Ritual® – consisting of Toilet Yoga®, Neti (nasal washing), and At-Sink Pranayama®
- Willingness to Rise Above lazy tendencies, lethargic patterns, and inconsistent Practice.
- A WF Practice seasoned by at least one year of Abhyasa (steadfast practice).
- Inner Vow to use the Attainment of extremely high levels of energy, insight, and Awakening only for the go(o)d of all Beings.
i will periodically place essays on Maha Mudra in DL at intervals spaced so that contemplation and Practice of the material can be accomplished at your own pace. i will start first with philosophy then move into actual Practices and programs.
i will soon begin a series of DL Entries on The Great Seal; Maha Mudra.
Training of and Attainment of Maha Mudhra shifts the individuals reliance on the gross physical body into and onto the Pranic Body; a vastly superior energetic structure that accounts for paranormal levels of energy, insight, and most importantly; it sets the Inner Stage for the Awakening of Kundalini and eventual Enlightenment.
that is all,
coach ilg