Namaste Noble Warriors!

sorry, Blogger is simply not letting me publish photos these days…95% failure rate and a whole ton of my time is lost…so, please excuse the Messenger…the CHI is still fresh and alive within the words, however.

namaste Coach +Joy,

when haikus pour forth (5)
from the subtle energies, (7)
YOGA has begun. (5)


HP Yogin and DL Reader, Ben Sullivan has used his Practice of HP Yoga and WF Dharma through DL to help him crack the top ten of the National Mountain Biking Championships. Here he is suffering up the local ski hill road during the SnowBowl Hill Climb race earlier this year. Quality Haiku poetry must be well seasoned by an individual’s embrace of pain. going directly into our Pain is the only way to be, eventually – this lifetime or a future one – freed from it. A quality Haiku poem should reflect all that is intoxicating about the Daily Discipline of Training; it must create an environment ripe for insight, then evocation of feeling, followed by an “Ah-HA!” moment in the final line. this must be done within the mandatory 17 syllables.

why do i like Haiku and encourage them from my Students?


speaking of zen; i’ve got myself a wet, cold Mountain Running Race to go compete in…

May All Beings Realize the utter importance of getting out and DOING THE DO;
be it in the wet, cold rain and snow…
be it in the dank chambers of our Anger Arising and Lazy Tendencies,
be it in the stealthy, ninjalike stalking of our physical and mental weaknesses and DEVOTING OURSELVES FULLY,
at whatever the cost, to becoming truly Balanced…

off to the races…including the most important race of all;
the Race Toward Enlightenment in the Human Race!

om so ti,

the mountain yogi

photo above; Coach on the podium last week, after winning the Gaspin’ In The Aspen Mountain Duathlon. photo by Flagstaff HP Yogini Shannon.

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