Uddiyana Q &A With WF Teacher Ananda

Published on Nov 11, 2006 by in Uncategorized


photo; coach demonstrates the ‘sucking upward’ action inherent to a strong uddiyana bandha performance.

{Coach’s Note: the following was lifted from the WF SanghaLounge, premiering November 15th}

my awareness of uddiyana bandha first shifted when you showed me how to do it at WF intensive. what i was aware of is that i simply never felt like i had a firm hold on it. then i read in “Light on Pranayama” that the abdominal wall is contracted at the end of an exhale, and from there Uddiyana Bandha may be engaged with Jalandhara Bandha.

Okay, here is the main difference in the way Coach and i teach Uddiyana Bandha with all respect to Mr. Iyengar.

As you inhale, draw your navel in and up. Note: the belly should not expand out.

As you exhale, the breath moves upward toward the Heart Center, if not out through the Crown of your Head.

Do not let the belly expand after the exhalation.

Go directly into your next inhale, drawing the navel in and up, and continue through the cycle as i described.

At no time, unless it gets top intense and you need to back off the exercise, should the belly “pooch” out.

And…Yes, you must seal off the root (Mula Bandha) and throat lock (Jalandhara Bandha) for Uddiyana Bandha to be activated.

more to come on this exciting Teaching as your Practice continues to mature.

i’m very proud of you.

Please activate this exercise upon your next session.

i want to hear how this description works for you.

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