Creating an Intimate M(om)ent

Published on Dec 08, 2006 by in Relationships


Joy “Ananda” Kilpatrick…this conversation is going on right now in our WF SanghaLounge, in the “Relationship Yoga” cave.

“Let the beauty we love be what we do. There are a hundred ways to kneel and kiss the ground.” – Rumi
photo by

Namaste Dear WF Sangha Warriors and Warrior(esses)!

i share the following TAF’s (thoughts and feelings) with you all today in celebration of Relationship Yoga cave.

• How often do you recognize something special about your partner,
spouse and/or friend and never verbally share it with them?

• How often do you choose to celebrate the beautiful Divine qualities which your partner, spouse and/or friend posses verses that which you TAF they lack?

• When’s the last time you dance and sang and just allowed yourself to
be a receptive child full of freedom and spontaneity with your partner, spouse and/or friend?

• When’s the last time you just stopped what you were doing, especially in the middle of something challenging, and just asked your partner, spouse and/or friend for what Coach and i call a “recharge m(OM)ement.” For example: Coach ilg and i will embrace in a hug, heart to heart and breathe two-gether.

• When’s the last time you went up to your partner, spouse and/or perhaps an intimate friend and gave them a sensual kiss on the mouth,
maybe even a little tongue action (*-*) and then allowed that to be all!?
No need (unless it organically Arises – and i’m not speaking of that…)
to take the kiss any further. Just allow the kiss to be the m(OM)ment.

Amazing how such “simple” actions can completely shift the energy between two people. The creation of intimacy has overcome any need for a ‘sexual’ experience. You are FULL in that moment.

Now what happens if the other person is not willing to receive your affection, your demonstration of Metta, in that moment?

That’s a great question for contemplation.

For it takes a mutal Willingness to “step out” of the routine, to walk
away from the computer, to put whatever it is that you are doing and
allow yourself to BE present with your partner, spouse and/or friend.

i offer the suggestion of communication. Communicate with your loved
one how you would like to show your affection and Gratitude for their
presence in your life. Would they be open to receiving and giving in
this moment? Sometimes, it’s like (to paraphraze Coach ilg) “you got to fake it, until you make it…
just show up and allow the experience to present itself. Eventually, you no longer need to fake it!”

During this Holy-Season, perhaps we can begin or begin again to Practice and create one or more of these initimate m(OM)ements.

As i quoted the Beloved Rumi above:
“Let the beauty we love be what we do. There are a hundred ways to kneel and kiss the ground.”

If you have any Relationship Yoga rituals that you would like to share
for the benefit of our Sangha or any constructive feedback on this subject
please honor us with your in-sights.

In Shakti Love…
teacher ananda

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