Namaste Oh Mighty Limbed Warriors!

above photo by Ananda: Yet another testimony to the unmatched chi force that living the WF Path imparts: The very morning after racing to a top place (more on that later) in my 30-kilometer Langlauf Ski Race, i was up and ready for another full day of San Juan Sweat, beginning by taking a very nervous-yet-willing Ananda to my old ice climbing practice area;
Cascade Canyon.

After our visit to the Cascade ice which stirred ALL SORTS of sanctity from my memory vault of my former ice climbing years, it was time to show Ananda the Durango Mountain Resort – formerly known in my childhood as Purgatory.
Here i am laying some heavenly tele turns on Upper Hades, a run that we used to race Super-G on! We spent the afternoon skiing our hearts out and you shoulda seen no-ligaments-in-her-knees Ananda just CRANK!!! First time out for her this season on the alpine boards and she threw down over 8,600 vertical of pow like she was Bode-friggin’-Miller, baby! It made my heart smile so much to share this home away from home of my childhood with her. It made my Soul smile as well; There we were; one yogini without knee ligaments, and another yogi with a broken back and smashed pelvis. Both Ananda and i were told by the experts that we would never be able to enjoy outdoor sports.

Oh well, cuz we CRANKED! i swear to Lord Patanjali that the WF Path, and especially that dastardly fun HP PROP WORKOUT, is the Saving Grace for all of us outdoor athletes who refuse to accept the predictable doomsday reports so cavalierly given us by the medical clans. Just Do Your Practice And All Is Coming, said Teacher Jois. Just Do Your Practice and TRUST IN THYSELF!!!

Anyway, i just wanted you all to know that Ananda and i made it back today from what can only be described as a Divinely meaningful and Blessed trip to Durango. I cannot wait to share with you all just a smidgen of what hit my cells and how we can use the Teachings that i encountered as more foot and handholds for our Shared Ascent of our spiritual journey.

Over this weekend, i had plenty of Sweat and Stillness to really, deeply contemplate the chain of Teachers in my Blessed and Difficult life. So, before i tell you about my ski race and some San Juan inSights, i want you to read mindfully the following words from Rinpoche. Meanwhile, i need to catch up with my Online WF Students and i’ll be right back with you.

May The WF Chi Be With You,

the mountain yogi


It cannot be stressed too often that it is the truth of the teaching that is all-important, and never the personality of the teacher. This is why Buddha reminded us in the Four Reliances:

Rely on the message of the teacher, not on his personality;
Rely on the meaning, not just on the words;
Rely on the real meaning, not on the provisional one;
Rely on your wisdom mind, not on your ordinary, judgmental mind.
It is important to remember that the true teacher is the spokesman of the truth: its compassionate wisdom display. All the buddhas, masters, and prophets are the emanations of this truth, appearing in countless skillful, compassionate guises in order to guide us, through their teachings, back to our true nature.

At first, more important than finding the teacher is finding and following the truth of the teaching, for it is through making a connection with the truth of the teaching that you will discover your living connection with a master.

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