As our own Practice matures and our Light becomes more evident to our family and friends and
it is quite typical for us to be approached in any number of ways to Help.
sometimes, at the lowest level, we find people coming up to us and basically just
doing what i call, “Acoustical purging,” upon us. People just start venting about all sorts of things
to us.
Our Practice during such encounters is WF Lifestyle Principle #1; Breath and Posture..

At other levels, we may find people asking us to perform ceremonies or mediate certain relationship challenges.
Here, our Practice must be to SLOW DOWN and create SPACE before saying, “sure, i can help you!”

The convoluted internesting of our Samskaric tendencies, our Karma, and our own Practice of the Dharma must
be considered before we attempt to “help” or “heal” others.

Below, WF Teacher Ananda provides an EXCEPTIONAL DISPLAY of teaching one of her beautiful and empowered online students to “slow down before you choose to help”.

Read it closely, it truly is an amazing counsel by a great, great Teacher whose own life has benefited from years of professional counseling and guidance from wise Teachers.

Thank you, Teacher Ananda.

om so ti,

coach ilg

Namaste, Student AH ~

what an honor you will have to ‘mediate’ this gathering.

your mother recognizes your Practice. she is smart. 😉

since my work is with you i must ask you the same question you asked your mother,

“what is your intention as mediator.”

you will need to be very specific and clear with your “role” for your own well-being.

how each of these women choose to respond to your role is their choice. you have
no control over their decisions.

And you must remember this question, “what is their Practice?”

If they don’t Practice, they will be firing from a different field of consciousness.

These will test your own Practice in various ways including that of Compassion and Non-Judgement.

The more clear you are going into this retreat, the clearer the outcome will be very everyone involved.

You are a healer. Here is a wonderful opportunity to embrace that Shakti energy.

teacher ananda

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