Noble Coach,

Good perspectives. I’ll ponder it some more this week.
Two related points from your teaching this week resonate the most:

1. “Nothing is more important than Realization of the Self. nothing.”
2. “Very, very, very few things can ruin the required Steps Toward Enlightenment such as Mula Bandha Awareness.”

WF Online Student Mike


In my above counsel to Shishya Mike, i simply reminded him that regardless of the ‘busyness’ of our lives those two points must be kept forefront.

if #1 is kept forefront, then you will become Witness to a most magical, captivating ‘switching of priorities’ throughout the next years of your life. soon, those things that you once felt so important; like this warped conditioning of ‘needing to get ahead in the world,’ or some such blather will be replaced by a regenerative, soul nourishing calming of the mind waves. it’s a lot like the switch from eating ‘grocery store food’ to eating SUNRIDER Herbs; huge, categorical upshift in CHI retention and purity of body/mind. because most of us are stupid; meaning; we ain’t Enlightened just yet so we are ignorant of the many Spiritual Truths which lie in each m(om)ent; we must learn – time and again – appreciation for the fact that we have always had (and all-ways will have) everything we need for our peace, presence, and engagement of Enlightenment tracking. this is known as Ishvara-pradnidhana or Trust in the Lord (or our Teacher/Guru).

if #2 is kept forefront, then we will take hidden delight in the fact that even when we find ourselves in a difficult relationship, or job, or whatever; we will realize that, “Hey, even if this pyscho chick (or boss, or whatever) is yelling at me, i can still bring Mula Bandha and not let her take away my power of inner peace.”

“Shit, more traffic! aaaaaaaargh!! oh wait, Coach used to live in LA traffic…what did he do? that’s right! he used to practice Mula Bandha and Nadi Shodhana and Mantra workouts while stuck in traffic. Maybe, being ‘stuck’ in traffic is precisely the puja place that i have designed for myself right now…”

you See, my Noble and Faithful Ones;
a wise WF Warrior Yogin can be the most highly skilled of all yogins.


because we push nothing away; not traffic jams, not difficult relationships, not the gym nor the running shoes. we consider our MULTI-DISCIPLINED LIFE as our YOGA STUDIO and all the circumstances which dance the fabric within our life as more and more Cherished Arrows in our Spiritual Quiver. it’s like the title of my best selling Meditation CD: MY WORKOUT IS EVERYWHERE.

outside at beautiful Two Tree Manor these luscious summer days, the Temple Grounds are covered with flowers and blossoms of all kinds. with an average of only 85 days which do not freeze per year here at 7,200′, you can bet your fleece-lined loin cloth that the foliage is sprinting full tilt to blossom and germinate and pollinate. it’s quite the rush of Pranic Activity! so potent is the Life Force singing here, that yesterday i barely broke 1,000 kcalories of physical food yet was utterly nourished in deeper, subtler ways along my 72,000 nadis which carry and disperse the Pranic Waves available to each of us. learning how to develop and manage this “Pranic Energy System” instead of the far less effective and far less fun “Muscle and Oxygen System” is what Meditation is for. Yesterday, during Ananda’s AMAZING BABY SHOWER, i locked myself in the Temple Zendo and meditated for 4 hours on my ongoing development of this Pranic Fitness System with the help of my inner Teacher(s).

how baaaaad do YOU want it, baby? do you want it baaad enough to swap out your bike ride for Meditation? How about the TV Watching? You willing to trade some of those mindless hours for Mindful Ones, sitting, breathing with yourself? You willing to take a cut in pay to improve the quality and consistency of your Practice Time? probably not. few are. however… as Amma teaches; “Self effort brings Grace.”

like the bees that flit from blossom to blossom in my front garden, the WF Sadhaka (spiritual seeker) must learn to flit from teaching to teaching, circumstance to circumstance – difficult or enjoyable, hot or cold, yin or yang – and learn by Wise Discrimination which Teachers and Teachings truly em-Body the energy and radiance and wisdom they feel most Appropriate for their unique questing of spiritual knowledge. in yoga, attainment of such Wisdom gathered from All Sources is known as, Mahavidya; the great knowledge. that is why it is hard for me to accept fully the teachings from a yoga teacher that does not hammer out hard, 12 hour+ weeks of cardio training or a yoga teacher that has attitude toward the gym. however, what ilg can do is be BeeLike and sip the nectar most tasty to me from such a teacher and enjoy the nutrients effect upon my own Process.

so, today my Beautiful, Cherished Mighty Armed and Legged Warriors; do not spend too much time counting the leaves of the tree; use Wise Discrimination and the filter of time and your Experience to make decisions that are simple and powerful. for if you linger too long with your head in spiritual books, for if you linger too many years trying to gratify your lower senses (chakras), if you linger too many lifetimes trying to count all the leaves..then the Blessed Fruit that dangles right before you, will be missed and drop to Mother and decompose without attaining its own Sattva Guna (illuminated quality). thus, you and fruit both lose and must Begin Again and Again, and Again…

what feeble ilg is attempting to teach you on this day of days; is that we each have a SvaDharma (Spiritual Duty) to cultivate our Wise Discrimination and, like a bee gathering nectar, derive the Highest Qualities from each circumstance, teaching, and teacher that we encounter.

here, walk with this today:

Nothing in the world is entirely negative.
No one in the world is entirely negative.

Everything in the world is entirely interlaced.
Everyone in the world is entirely interlaced.

it is just our Afflicted View and Habits that limit our Appreciation and Awe at the OnePoem (UniVerse).

Strive and Sweat a lot to make your Life Message a sweet contribution to the OnePoem before you die; work on your own Salvation (Bardo Fitness) with determination and deep glee for even Waking Up this much! Rejoice, for FEW HAVE! YOU ARE SPECIAL and RIPE FOR ENLIGHTENMENT! There is nothing in your way! do not Delay! do not rationalize! JUMP!

my wish is that you enjoyed and may somehow benefit from this song i sang to your cells on Ponderosa scented air this morning…sit still sometime today and you will smell the fragrance of how much i care for your Ascent up the Mountain…

and do not overeat.
instead; overbreathe.

om so ti,

abba ilg

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