“There is a story of a Japanese man who had a powerful revelation while he was renovating a small house. When he was tearing down one of the walls, he found a lizard with a nail driven through its foot. On closer examination of the nail, the man could see that it was probably from ten years before when the house had initially been constructed, as no work had been done on the house since then. Wondering how a lizard could survive for so long without moving, the man sat in contemplation watching the poor lizard. He could not imagine how it had managed to get food for all those years. Lo and behold, another lizard appeared with food in its mouth and offered it to the trapped lizard. Shocked, the man realized that this second lizard had probably been feeding its mate for ten years. That, he realized, was the power of Love.”

– Swamini Krishnamrita Prana


With the surfacing on this Plane of my first child coming in less than two months, i’ve begun ramping up my ‘child arrival training’ with the dear assistance of my Beloved Teddy which many of you have come to Love along with me courtesy of Teddy’s DL fame. By mid-September, our estimated Due Date, i TAF i’ll be able to carry Teddy along with a 45 lb Barbell Plate in the Front Carrier…

…feeble ilg is learning many things about infant care…like it is a wise thing to use sunglasses to protect a baby’s vulnerable eyes from my computer monitor…

…and also i am learning other things like it may not be such a wise thing to practice my “Zen Darts Game” while my baby is in the Front Carrier…ooops! Better to mess up now, rather than later, right? Uh,gee, SORRY ’bout that, Teddy!

deep thanks to local yogini Marissa for the Gift of the Front Carrier!

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