In Part One of this Teaching, many bases were touched upon; particularly within the importance of the Meditation Discipline of the Wholistic Fitness Path…

Today’s installment is even more tenuous. for when the Shifts happen from within, and when the Meditative absorption welds within the gunic fabric and Protectors, Guides, and Inner Gurus leap to your Awareness in surprisingly gregariousness, well, that is a very special Spot on the spiritual journey. it is a Spot about which ilg has written many times; the hand off – which started from External Motivation (driving to take classes, going to workshops, eating things to ‘get you amped up’ for your workout, using iPods, all that type of external, grapsing) and then moved to Internal Motivation (whereupon the aspirant no longer requires cheerleading or ‘scientific approval’ or anything else to simply ‘do the Do.’) to the final sweetness of Divine Motivation. usually this final Shift occurs coincidently with a basic level of Sushumna Engagement. Thus the importance of daily Pranayam and other forms of sadhana (spiritual practices) as prescribed by the Teacher. My great Blessing has been to witness such a climb up the Three Forms of Motivation from several hard-working, trusting Students throughout the years. Not many will reach the Divine Motivation level with me. Most quit for reasons of their Samskaric tendencies and Fear to Rise Above them. That’s okay. All karma is god.

As i wrote to you on uh, what day is it around here? Friday? Okay, Wednesday: i told you that recently the cascade of “om so ti” or auspicious, happy omens within the inner and outer worlds of the WF Sangha has brought many tears to my eyes and fresh chants into my heartspace. such freedom! such a glorious soundtrack of sacred silence from which the Higher Ones speak have lifted this feeble yogi!!

a miracle m(om)ent four nights ago, at the resolution of a asana into a meditation session here in the Tribal Head Zendo. a circumstance too Divine, too precious, too personal to describe. after the miracle m(om)ment, ilg turned toward the puja table, Light pouring forth, feeling so immersed in the Oceanic Blessings of our powerful Astral Teachers, so Awake, so utterly grateful for this humble, powerful, misunderstood Conduit Path and simply asked Them,
“So, what does one do after a Miracle has occurred to them?”

As always, They answered in Their instant clarity from Their Heavenly Abode,
“Just keep a’goin…just keep a’goin.”

in other words, Their instruction to me could be rephrased, “No drama, ilg. Just keep a’goin. You’re only scratching the Surface of the Great, Exquisite Mystery which is an endless, infinitely linked series of miracles.”

so, perhaps you too, whoever you are and whatever you do, Sensed this great Divine Blessing, recently spread like rising sunlight upon our humble, hard working, and go(o)d nature Tribe of Sweat-based Peaceful Warriors. They don’t call all of us the “Suns of Go(o)d” for nothing you know! REJOICE!

if you did not, perhaps…just perhaps…more Meditation volume needs to be threaded into your own, unique quilt of your Wholistic Fitness Disciplines and the Four Noble Lifestyle Principles. sure, it requires great strength to sit still. sure, it requires even greater strength to harness the fractured, ‘monkey mind’ of Daily Life, harness it to the Breath and steer the Expanded, Conscious Breath between the hips. The Daily Grind is nothing but a lack of Conscious Breath between our hips (lower chakra abode of grasping). Such dastardly difficult things which are the first priorities of a WF Warrior; Conscious Breath and Posture and the integration of Meditation into the fitness lifestyle is supremely difficult for most of us; which is why most people do not sit still nor consider their Daily Life as their yoga studio! yet, one cannot hope that the sweet perfume and exotic fragrances of spontaneous Meditation and Connection with the Inner Guru will just magically arrive without that which must precede all spiritual training effects; hard work and inner gumption enough to climb the Three Forms of Motivation (external, internal, Divine).

ilg has until age 50, the closing of my ‘grihasta ashrama’, to keep trying to eek out a living doing this DharmaPath as an ‘occupation.’ Trust me, over the past 25+ years there have been more than a few moments whereupon ilg has been longing for someone far more stronger and smarter than i to pull this heavy sled up the Highest of All Peaks. Sure, back when ilg began this Karma Marga, foolish came the thoughts of worldwide acceptance of WF and the understanding of Wholeness and Balance written into the script of my Life Message! Hec, i figured by now WF would be the National Fitness System and our kids would be studying one Discipline per day in school! i figured my work with Online Students would have been far faster and Higher; that we’d be triggering safe and effective Kundalini Awakenings in each of the Five Disciplines and produce an unprecedented Tribe of Super Conscious Fitness Warriors that would be interviewed on Charlie Rose, Oprah, and everywhere!

Instead, – save for a VERY small Circle of Warriors that ‘got it’ – ilg was labeled outcast, and true story; a Satanist. ‘students’ who in their overzealousness when the WF Bug bit them, called me, “their guru” would later turn around and sue me for “fraud.” just this past week on the internet, ilg was publicly ridiculed and accused of being a cultist. And for our Tribe of Whacky Fitness Warriors? hec, we’re all a bunch of Unknown Warriors, content within our own understanding of this shining Path of MultiDisciplined Yoga. So yeah, ilg has done his best and just a perusal of the DL Archives is testimony to the utter unique CHI and deep seated yogic honor that has been my LifeWork. is ilg ready to renounce the Outer World and turn all my training inward for Enlightenment? absolutely! all signs are on par for a heccuva fit, experienced, and highly skilled ilg hitting age 75 and the beginning of my Sanyasin Ashrama. everything is on target, baby! with a Baby Om coming to help me, and an amazing Saint for a Partner, your feeble big cheese of the tiny Temple could not be more sacredly joyful…amazing stuff this WF Gift. please Study Her Ways with conviction. doing so will pay off in the most extra-ordinary of Ways.

however, there is still Work to do. each of us. a LOT of Work. so, for the next five years, what say we all buckle up our bootstraps and really, like never before, nail the WF Lifestyle and Cultivate our Inner Fields so when ilg leaves public life and the naysayers to their own karmic workloads, you and i can endlessly Dance in the Etheral Realm from which you first Connected With this Path. Okay?

on this Rising Dawn of all Dawns,
feeble ilg
now invokes this Tibetan Prayer
and orients its powerful aspirations
Peaceful, Fearless Heart.

May each of you be filled with Gumption to dance the inner and outer disciplines that surely,
with time and the Blessings of the WF Deities,
shall result in Enlightenment…

thus ilg prays:

Grant your blessings so that my mind may be one with the Dharma…
Grant your blessings so that Dharma may progress along the path…
Grant your blessings so that the path may clarify confusion.
Grant your blessings so that confusion may dawn as wisdom.

* The Vedas divide our lives into four different stages, called the four ashramas. They are brahmacarya (being a student), grihasta (being a householder), vanaprastha (forest dweller) and sannyasa (stage of renunciation).

1) yesterday; inline ski skate workout. asthma or not, here i come! as defending Classic Champion of the High Altitude Nordic World Championships, my nordic training begins in mid-August! photo by Ananda

2) Online Shishya Weiss, on an Intensive this summer. Intervals up Upper Oldham Trail. photo by ilg.

3) Bright Angel Trail, Grand Canyon. photo by ilg.

4) Online Shishya Sauve uses his HP Yoga and WF fitness to ‘chaturanga’ himself up and onto his first ever wave! Life is go(o)d and ageless when you study WF! photo; sauve archives.

5) An inlet on Vancouver Island near Ukelet. photo by ilg.

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