“In walking gracefully and gratefully upon sharp stones,
two things might help;
do not resist the sharpness,
carry well the mantra.”
– coach ilg
in the Wholistic Fitness Personal Training System, it is traditionally important to return some sort of toughness to the naked foot. The prevailing addiction to shoes is a (weakened) root cause of most dis-eases affecting our physiology and psychology. when the bottoms of our feet no longer spend much time or intensity upon Mother Earth, we literally become desensitized. if our feet are hard and brittle, then too, are our organs. some people say, “Oh that Wholistic Fitness stuff…who has time for all that?” Do you have time to slip off your shoes? Are you willing to spend more time in your naked feet? If so, you will take invaluable steps (pun intended) along our crazy wisdom Way!
enjoy Mother today beneath your sole (soul)…
om so ti,
the mountain yogi
photo; Leg of Ilg* by ilg
* there is a rock climbing route in Eldorado Canyon, Colorado named, “Leg Of Ilg,” first ascent by Eric Doub and partner. Eric, one of my stalwart training partners in my running/climbing era in the eighties, named the route after me. the story is this;
i was limping back to my parents house in Boulder, Colorado after finishing a Half Marathon. Doub motors up behind me on some ratty ass motorcycle all cranked to the gills like he always was,
“ILG! DUDE! i got a new route scoped out over on West Ridge, let’s go!”
“Dude, no way. i can barely walk, that Half Marathon nailed my ass.”
Eric was non-plussed. He was an extraordinary outdoor athlete; capable of world class skill in a multitude of disciplines. He wasted no time in sympathy, let alone actually wait a day or two before adding this First Ascent to his resume.
He climbed the route and named it, “Leg of Ilg” in honor of my limping lame ass. It’s not a great route by any means, only 5.9 or something. However, it’s the thought that counts, right?