Chi Hit From A World Champion

Published on Oct 15, 2007 by in Chi Hits


For some reason, the universe spoke as I shot this photo. I thought of you, what you have blessed me with—and now my family.

I’ve posted this on my homepage with a credit to mi Ilgbro.

Keep us posted on family updates.

Ron Jones, MS-LLC
Corporate Wellcoach
Atlanta-Los Angeles

(RJ; lovingly known as “Ragin RJ” among our Sangha for his fierce love-coaching and dedication to rid the nation of child obesity. RJ is a World Champion in the Race Across AMerica and one of my teammates in our Furnace Creek 508 championship in Death Valley, CA. i love it when RJ comes to my HP Yoga Classes when i return to LA now and then; he BRINGS THE CHI, BABY! in the photo is Ronnie, RJ’s beautiful daughter.)

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