I swear to Lord Avalokiteshvara; i have the most BEAUTIFUL SANGHA of Peaceful, Kickass, Wholistically Fit Warrior Yogis that has graced this Plane(t) in a loooooong time!
Please meet most cherished WF and Sunrider Herb Lovin’ Couple; Suet and Ian, shown above on their recent wedding day. The happy ones are practicing their WF in London these days. Suet, who looks to Ananda and i like a radiant, living embodiment of Quan Yin, handmade the Absolutely ADORABLE bookmark for Dewachen. On the back of the bookmark, Suet handwrote in impeccable writing the following:
To Dewachen Catherine Ilg,We’ve all been waiting for you,
For you.
Your arrival has been marked,
has been recorded on earth,
in the universe,
in the galaxies,
in all of space,
in all of time.
You come with a birthright,
written in love and sung
through all Creation in words
which promise
that no matter where you’re at,
you’re home
that no matter who you’re with,
you’re welcome
that no matter who you are,
you’re loved.
Welcome.– Rita Ramsey
With Love,
Ian & Suet xxx
And Now for something COMPLETELY DIFFERENT (since we ARE, after all, A WHOLISTIC TRIBE that LOVES nothing more than to dance our extreme edges of everything life and fitness offers)…
Those of you who have known anything about ilg, know one thing for certain:
not even one month and a half into the mountaineering like fatigue produced by being an older Rookie Parent could sap the HALLOWEEN SPIRIT from my ol’ bones!!! No siree!
So…i gathered the Dark Forces, picked up my ‘baby ghoul’, and proceeded to scare the livin’ bejesus outta the ‘trick or treaters’ that dared enter the formidably haunted grounds of Two Tree Manor!!!
i have no taste for parents who just sit their asses in front of TV’s on such a specially fun night for all ages, only to rise and answer the doorbell to give out the treats without a return of CHI for the kids! screw that! in fact, if the Halloween ever comes that i just sit on my fat ass, do me a favor and shoot me and put me out of my lethargic, lazy misery! LONG LIVE HALLOWEEN CHI!!!
As mommy kept my ‘baby ghoul’ safe inside, i hunkered in the cold starry night; stalking from behind trees, leaping out from behind specially hung curtains…i scared the kids AND their parents sooo bad that some dropped their bags of treats and ran to save whatever goodness was left in their skin!!!!
Never, EVER make the mistake that Personal Fitness does NOT include what sometimes may be a super Herculean effort to PARTICIPATE in the much needed social rituals that allow our child spirits to dance! Often, the masks we don during Halloween actually help rid us of the egoic masks which we so often wear cleverly in our normal life. DO THE DO!!!!!!!!
Oh, Dewa told me her first ever Halloween Joke. Wanna hear it?
“How do disembodied spirits (she should know, being so fresh from the Body-Less Realms) take themselves so lightly?”
“Because they just GHOUL FOR IT, BABY!”
(Hey, give Deh a break, okay? She is, after all, barely 50 days old, and this WAS Her first ever joke!}
May your Practice be ‘spirited’ today…
el coache
thanks to WF Personal Assistant Kiari for the family photo!