The moral flabbiness born of the bitch-goddess SUCCESS.
That – with the
squalid interpretation put on the word success – is our national disease.
~William James
submitted by WF Online Student Anne Sasso
Ripples make waves.
The hot shot studio yogis here are now teaching very, very similarly to my HP Yoga Style; a lot of internal floatation by way of what i termed my “hold and hover technique.”
it had to come to this because like i tried to tell yoga teachers two decades ago; the North American physique and constitution should not be force fed into a categorically different South Indian Practice. i Teach in a way that insures and prioritizes joint stability first and foremost because what go(o)d is a lax joint that is not functional? What go(o)d is a loosey-goosey body that lacks depth of nadic integrity to appropriately and naturally and safely ramp up and cope with increasing levels of pranic infusion?
so, a part of me is really, really glad that the very principles that i have attempted to forward in my life are trickling, rill-like, into the mainstream asana teachers class plans.
a part of me is sad that once again, it seems, that, well…it doesn’t matter. Let it go, ilg.
no Mula Bandha. no Uddiyana. no education as to what the Asana Classes are truly gearing us toward; developing what i call the Energetics of Enlightenment. American Yoga Teachers, for the most part, still seem infatuated with becoming masters of circus poses instead of training us – their Students – to learn how to Sit Still and work the Prana.
spent yesterday morning taking yoga classes at the cream of the crop Cave down in Venice; Exhale.
then, i took off for the beach which is a stones throw away from Exhale.
i lingered about on the first hot day of the summer and took in the scintillating human parade of Venice Beach,
dropped into an Oceanside meditation as i let the sound of the waves beat an OM into my heart…
and of course, what go(o)d is a trip to Venice Beach without getting a WF Henna Tattoo? not much, i say!
back to packing up our Beloved NoHo Apartment as pensiveness runs rampant through me as i pack up boxes and prepare
to let go of this aspect of my life…this City has been a great Gift to my spiritual evolution as i’ve written about in this forum many times. Hard as a Hell Realm, and – when i had a ton of cash – as Heavenly as the Highest Realm…
i learned and gleaned so much from my years spent here…can’t imagine my life without doing what it took to conquer my mountain boy Fear of Big Cities. now, ilg feels as happy and stoked in this City as i do watching snowmelt drip from an Anasazi cave lip. Wholistic Fitness means nothing if not Adaptation. should i die tomorrow, i know i achieved one thing for sure; my capacity not only to survive, but to thrive in the most extreme ends of human civilization; huge cities and world-class mountaineering and remote living. cockroach tough; just be able to adapt. that is what will matter most as we let go of our Final Exhale…
said goodbye to the Santa Monica mountains this morning during a 2-hour zone 3/4 road ride up my Beloved Piuma Road which screams like an angered Cobra up 8 miles of climbing before suspending you high, high above the Pacific Ocean…i’ve ridden that climb so often when i lived here yet this morning’s early morning jaunt brought extra chi juice…due to my altitude fitness, my legs got tired before my lungs! my computer was broken, so i don’t know how fast i cranked the climb, however, it felt easy, fast, and suspended in the tempo of my Mantra…not one car passed me during the entire climb! ilg tells you all; there is still GOLD in dem dar hills which shimmer over LA like the shining, precious jewels they are!
gotta keep packing; much logistics to do. i’ve never lugged a motorcycle behind me before, so tomorrow’s trailer pick up and drive back to Flag with Sukhavarti (my z1000) in tow is going to be interesting.
tonight i will say so long to LA…to our NoHo Apartment…to sooooo much…
i love LA…
thank you, Oh City of Angels…thank you…
the ilg(s) will be back…
right now, i’ve got a baby BuddhaGirl and a very, very fatigued Ananda waiting for me,
high in the mountains of my Cherished Southwest…
daddy’s coming h(om)e Ladies!
daddy’s coming h(om)e…
May all your integrity and clarity make Ripples for the go(o)d of All,
May you keep realizing that every moment is your WF Workout…
cuz it’s all One baby…
it’s all One…
no separation…just One…
even the Tough Act of Surrendering Sentiment…
of Letting Go…
Tat Tvam Asicoach