Our Clan’s Dharma 4th…and your Inter-depend-Dance Day?

“ Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built.” ~ Rumi

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Cracked Pot Baba;  Day 2 in the NM Vortex…

The Christ Light, The BuddhaLight, our Grandfather Sun graces Go(o)dnight to a kiva ladder…

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Precious Ones,

with Love…from the Land of Enchantment…

Blessed be your sweat,
{ }

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A Sacred Day In New Mexico…

Published on Jun 23, 2012 by in Teachings, Travel Log

A Sacred Day In New Mexico…

ilg can take no credit for this Screensaver pic! ilg just waited, listened, then snapped the pic which
Brahman, Vishnu, and Shiva co-created….

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tis true…i’ve returned to New Mexico, the breath-ern sister smack of southwest Colorado, hOMe to Anasazi spirits, world-class sunsets that can open the most clogged chakras, and land of the Divine Light which whistles the Dharma through such Beings as spiny leaf cacti, cholla, and arcing sandstone spires screaming into an endless cobalt sky….

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Picture 9

Main intent of this trip will be taking my girls to one of my lifelong Sacred Southwest Vortices; Chimney Rock Archeological Area; the northern High Priest Hangout of the Ancient Ones…this place spin balances your chakral fields faster than an Osprey tracking on a Trout… Chimney Rock is on pace to soon become a National Monument…

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so, you think you want to be in the movies?…images from my NM commerical shoot

last week, i was called onto a commercial shoot “Looking Out For Something” (you won’t see it unless you live in Holland) in New Mexico for some technical rigging/rock safety work on a sandstone pinnacle near Georgia O’Keefe’s ‘Ghost Ranch.’…here are some images from along the way…

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RACE REPORT: ilg Misses The Wax, But Not The Podium in Flagstaff


Sunday, March 6, 2001

{more photos follow story}

With track conditions in the fast and furious category (truth be told: insanely icy), the 15k Classic skiers launched into a pandemonium of double-poling to start this final FNC race of the 2010/2011 season. The front line included Scott “The Terminator” Oberbreckling – formerly of Boulder, Colorado now living in Flagstaff. Scott has torn the legs off of every racer here this season including Karl Granoth of the US National Military Biathlon Team and current AZ State Champion. Next to Scott was 2x AZ State Champion, Steve Ilg a former Flagstaff resident who has had another stellar winter season now racing from his native Durango, Colorado home….

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