This DL picks up where my Teaching of 6/3/08 left off…

click on photos for greater Transmission effect.

please keep your spine elegant and breath conscious while receiving this DharmaTeaching. thank you.

The second of the Four Thoughts which Turn The Mind To Dharma is the nature of impermanence. Nothing in any of the Six Realms goes on endlessly. Why is it then, we adhere our thoughts to the things with which we happen to come into Contact? Contact is very karmic. Your Contact with me, this Path, your trip to the Marketplace…the picking up of the apple, the cell phone ringing, the starting of the car, the holding of our baby. These adhesions fasten us within the Relative World and thus separate us from our True Nature (Atman) which is un-conditional. There are Eight Worldly Dharmas that cause our emotional (lower self) to rise up and down. This emotional roller-coaster creates the obscurations of our True Nature;

1) to be pleased by gain,
2) to be disturbed by loss,
3) to be pleased by praise,
4) to be disturbed by blame,
5) to be pleased by fame,
6) to be disturbed by infamy,
7) to be pleased by pleasure,
8) to be disturbed by pain.

The third of the Four Thoughts is karma. Over our trillions of lives, we accumulate samskara – intensely dynamic psychic forces which propel consciousness into action. these countless accumulated forces create indelible imprints in our subsconscious resulting in habits and tendencies many of which retard spiritual evolution which we then pass onto our children creating the current epoch known as Kali Yuga- the spiritual dark age. Relentlessly consistent Spiritual Workouts, guided by our Trust in our Teacher, reveals the Sourcing of our particular thought patterns. only by engaging the Five Fitness Disciplines of WF (especially ‘meditation’) as well as the WF Lifestyle Principles (especially Appropriate Action) lead us away from our addiction to comfort and money and security and toward mental purification of these deeeeeeeeeeeply ingrained karmic ruts or obscurations.

#1) as Gibran taught; “Our children are not our children. They are God’s children. They come not of us, but through us.” i take Dewa for her First Swim while working my Mantra and Her Mantra…reMinding my Higher Self of non-Attachment to Her. Extremely High Practice, this. Photo by Ananda. Sedona.

#2) A gecko calls to me from a withered fence post in Boynton Canyon. Until Enlightenment, we do (k)not know whether the countless Beings we Contact are rising or stalling in their current incarnation. This Lizard Being may have been selfish or mean-hearted to others in a former life, lacking gratefulness and thus its Atman must experience the solitary, cold-blooded existence of solar dependence in order to Rise Higher. Or, he could have been a Fungi just recently and ‘worshiped’ the Light soooo deeply, he is rapidly moving toward Enlightenment at a pace far, far greater than you are in yours. “Be kind to every Being,” taught the Buddha, “for every Being experiences suffering and difficulty.” And, even a lizard or a spider might just be your Guru in drag, testing your Practice. Practice Kindness and your spirit will allWays rise higher. photo by ilg.

Coming up for DL Subscribers only;
i conclude my Teaching on The Four Thoughts

May my time spent here, writing this from my HeartSpace,
be of benefit to your Sadhana…

Stay Awake,

your loving coach

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