Mr. Ilg,I just bought your book and I’m interested in starting the program. I’m a runner and have a marathon coming up in two weeks, so I’m interested in using this program to maintain training intensity. It all looks great– I love the focus on yoga and meditation in addition to common training methods, like strength and cardio. Reading through the daily practice sections for the next three months, I had some concerns. With only two days of cardio a week, and so much focus on weight training, I’m worried about losing my conditioning in that respect. As a woman, I’m terrified at the idea of using a barbell. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a wimp– between marathons and four years of playing rugby, I know how to play tough. But do you have any advice about how this program can work for women specifically? The whole thing seems a bit male-focused.
Most Precious Warrioress Elizabeth,
i’ll take this time with you free of charge, however,
i suggest Online Consultations in the future, because the world of WF is very vast.
first, i don’t know what you mean by “male-focused.” compared to conventional training prescriptions from
other trainers, my Path offers you far more ‘yin’/female/expansive training. in fact, given the balance of
Meditation, Yoga, Nutrition, and the 4 Lifestyle Principles inherent to studying WF,
that leaves only the Cardio and Strength Training aspects that are ‘male-focused’ and from those two Disciplines,
Cardio is actually a female discipline in that it produces expansion of the subtle energetics when facilitated appropriately.
second, two weeks out from your marathon is NOT the time to begin the WF Program as depicted in TOTAL BODY TRANSFORMATION.
your 3-month Journey into the programs in TBT should begin immediately upon your Off Season.
and, if you are like too many runners and do NOT have an Off Season; get one NOW!
third, i would never assume you are a “wimp.” anyone who is attracted to the Balanced Path of Wholeness which is WF,
is far from a wimp. WF will never care about what you are “good” at…WF will instead, highlight your weaknesses and keep
forcing your Higher Self to explore, expand, and develop precisely those physiologic, spiritual, and mental territories from which
your ego keeps shying away from. your statement: “As a woman, I’m terrified at the idea of using a barbell,” tells me much about
inculcated conditions which must be ripped from your current notion of Self, burned away in the fire of the Iron Temple, and get your
neural-muscular system up to par so your joint health is protected and your overall capacity to produce power in your marathon
becomes far greater.
welcome to the world of WF. i have other books that are better at sport-specific training than TBT;
of course, the Highest Coaching you can receive is my Online Training System. Applications available by request or online.
i encourage you to subscribe to my Blog where you will be treated to thousands of Archived Teachings
and fresh body/mind/spirit Dharma each day including 24/7 access to the incredible worldwide WF SanghaLounge.
May this time with you help deepen your Practice and contribute to your Wholeness.
Dharma Blessings upon your Marathon!
coach steve ilg, ryt/uscf/cpt
creator/head coach;