“Ever since I came to you,” a monk complained, “I haven’t been instructed at all in the study of Reality.”“Ever since you came to me,” replied the Master, “I have always been pointing out to you how to study Reality.”
“In what way, sir?”
“When you brought me tea, did I not accept it? When you served me food, did I not eat it? When you made bows to me, did I not return them? When did I ever neglect in giving you instruction?”
Seeing that the monk did not understand, he concluded, “If you want to see, see directly into it; but when you try to think about it, it is altogether missed.”
– Zen
The student of Wholistic Fitness has nothing to do but go on living his or her life within the circumstances (around thy own stance) of the Outer World. She rises in the early morning, does her Ritual, puts on clothes with Awareness (and hopefully using Non Dominant hand) and performs her work as devotion toward her Higher Self.
When the WF Student walks, he walks with WF Lifestyle Principle #1. When he sits, he sits, when he feels his samskaric and vasanic tendencies arise, he applies the WF Lifestyle Principles as skillfully as possible and goes on living with Awareness.
WF is not about clever little “Workouts of the Week,” which really should be written, “Workouts of the Weakly motivated.”
WF is about doing the work of Personal Transformation through union, not ego.
Like the sage says, “If you strive to become Buddha (or Jesus, or…) by any conscious contrivances, your Buddha is indeed the source of eternal bondage.”
photo by Ananda
of abba ilg and Dewa…
Dewa sets the Agenda…
even if it means making a plastic collender
into a ‘skyride’ game…
Abba just listens and responds.
Dewa’s outfit custom made by: Your Little Snitch. Ask for Diana, tell her coach ilg sent you!