Take all loss and defeat on yourself…

Published on Sep 22, 2009 by in Meditation


One of the greatest masters of Tonglen in Tibet was Geshe Chekhawa, who lived in the eleventh century. He was extremely learned and accomplished in many forms of meditation. One day when he happened to be in his teacher’s room, he came across a book lying open at the following lines:

Give all profit and gain to others,
Take all loss and defeat on yourself.

The vast and almost unimaginable compassion of these lines astounded him and he set out to find the master who had written them. One day on his journey he met a leper who told him that this master had died. But Geshe Chekhawa persevered and his long efforts were rewarded when he found the dead master’s principal disciple.

Geshe Chekhawa asked this disciple: “Just how important do you think the teachings contained in these two lines are?”

The disciple replied: “Whether you like it or not, you will have to practice this teaching if you truly wish to attain buddhahood.”

– Sogyal Rinpoche

photo; one of America’s original mountain yogis, ilg might just die while learning the art of lifelong perseverance of wholeness. if so? it would be a go(o)d day to die…crushed after a long mountain bike effort, pic by Ananda.

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