Snow Days are Breathe Days

Published on Oct 30, 2009 by in WF Principles

When you meditate, breathe naturally, just as you always do.

Focus your awareness lightly on the outbreath. When you breathe out, just flow out with the outbreath. Each time you breathe out, you are letting go and releasing all your grasping. Imagine your breath dissolving into the all-pervading expanse of truth.

Each time you breathe out, and before you breathe in again, you will find that there is a natural gap, as your grasping dissolves.

Rest in that gap, in that open space. And when, naturally, you breathe in, don’t focus especially on the inbreath but go on resting your mind in the gap that has opened up.

– Soygal Rinpoche

“What else is there to do on a ‘snow day’ besides taking the dogs for a snow shoe run?!?”
– WF Warrior Bryan Bishop in Active Meditation
Aurora, Colorado
sent in yesterday

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