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Hey Coach,
sure hope your Wholiday was great, honestly. As for my wholiday it was about as genuine as it gets back home. I finally took some time to snap some pics. for my archives and I thought that I would share one of my favorites with you.

This pic above is of the skeletal-frame of our sweat lodge. It sits a mere 100 yards from the house and is nestled among the arid junipers of home. Not only was it constructed by my Uncle, but, he is the one who conducts the ceremonies from time to time. The rack of clothes directly behind my yogi-squatting-can is what serves as the walls of the lodge. Contrived of various recycled materials these rugs/carpet scraps contain the steam very well. Notice my size compared to the frame. You wouldn’t think that many could fit within, yet, it’s quite spacious during a ceremony.

I also thought that I would share another pic titled “recession buster”. It’s a pic of my mother’s outdoor grill. A rickety-piece of mesh-metal that stands over hot coals and heats up homemade bread. One of this Warrior’s delights, mom’s homemade bread! No Betty Crocker utensils here!

enjoy, Dine’

coach’s note:
Devoted DL Subscribers will recall Warrior Leaf from my “Old Oraivi Race Profile” from August, 2009. one of my most fierce, loving, humble, and selfless WF Warriors, “Diné” is sure to keep inspiring all of us in ‘010. Diné is getting ready to take on his first Snowshoe Race alongside me next weekend right here in Kinlani! Warrior Leaf received a special gift from the WF Temple, thanks to his embrace of the Path and more importantly, his bravely to walk it out loud! WARRIORS UP!!!!

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