this is a pic of where i grew up as a chi-ld. The creek is Junction Creek and this spot was right across the National Forest road from where i grew up with my half-wolf, Apache. he and i ruled these lands and those years set the cellular/spiritual tempo and intensity of nature gratitude for the rest of my life(work). i’m going to ski the Sacred Peak here in a few moments, then across the SW Desert i love so much to visit Durango on some business for a couple of days…until then, i want you all to contemplate the following during your WF Practice:

Our mind/body/spirit fitness expansion should reflect the patience of nature. people will read of my training volumes, my small amount of ingested calories, the lack of illness and super energy in my body, my meditation hours, and they think such things are impossible for them to attain.

that is not true.

ilg is a very feeble yogin. i had to create WF in order to keep myself whole and i knew that if a few other warriors would join me in multi-disciplined yogic work, it would be i that would benefit as much as they! that is how selfish ilg is!

there is a very natural, important manner in which our consciousness and fitness unfold. we must Listen. if we go too fast or jump into popular fitness or spiritual fads, we rattle our nerves, organ, bioenergetics, everything. that is why ilg doesn’t allow my family or self to fly in airplanes except in rare situations.
Dewa has never been in an airplane. too fast of travel rattles the chakral fields, the nadic pulses, everything. (see my Teaching on how to preserve Prana during airplane and car travel) as we develop energetic sensitivity, we feel such amplified compression on our subtle anatomical fields and the last thing we want to do is fly in an airplane…air travel and even car travel to a lesser degree harms our Life Forces because we are not moving within our own capacity. Mental fluctuations increase as does the speed of our way of being.

Mind and fitness expansion should be practiced consciously through the 5 Noble Fitness Disciplines and more importantly through the 4 WF Lifestyle Principles. Then we begin to enjoy the wonder of gradual, safe, accumulation of inner attainments…like the layered way season snows grace our Mother Earth.

if Ilg gets smashed by a semi-truck, and if this is my last entry on this plane(t) – you never know*…then ilg wants these Last Words to be the following coaching counsel for my Magnificent Tribe:

Many attainments, indeed the richest ones, are purposely hidden by the Divine. Don’t get carried away by false flashes of ‘heightened consciousness’ through drugs or sports or sex. seeing brilliant colors in meditation or whatever is not genuine nor safe ascension toward the Highest Summit within. In the same way Mother Nature waits patiently for all Her Beings to express their own nature within Her arms, so too the Divine is ready to put everything you have ever dreamed of into your own arms. if you demand it too quickly however, you are asking for trouble.

instead of trying to handle the Kundalini, instead of trying to handle the Divine, instead of trying to handle Go(o)d’s Power..
let the Kundalini, the Divine,
let Go(o)dness handle you…
when you are ready,
when you have been consistent in your Rituals,
your Sweat,
your Stillness…
when Sincerity
and Gut Level Trust
permeates your Practice and life,
you will be a wholistically fit instrument of the Divine.

just as you are now.
right now.
Here Now.

that is all.

rev. ilg

*as the Tibetans are fond of saying, “The next breath or the next life…we don’t know.”

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