May your inner arrows take aim at your weaknesses today, and leave your strengths where they belong; resting within their well-earned Karmic aggregate.
your miniscule teacher and fellow traveler up the Steep and Direct Path,
i honestly hope and wish you well there in your h(om)etown. i and many others here (in Flagstaff) miss you and your clan much.
Just recently i renewed my sub. to the DL and look forward to each entry daily.
With that said i have to mention the DL entry on March 10, concerning the topic of “genuine human culture”. You stated that we GOT to be a culture of cultivation, not pure consumption. So aside from most of your entries this particular 1 drilled me hard.
I do have some degree, or sense, of what you intend. Yet, i hope that you could give me some daily examples of “cultivation vs. consumption”
should i be thankful for the individual that highlighted my flaws and not my commitment.
(for it’s he who reminded me of my weakness and that i have a weakness i need to work on)
Where do i, at some viewpoint, come from when i approach the “cultivation vs. consumption”.
Your words of wisdom do consume much of my initial thoughts daily.
Despite your physical absence from ‘Kinlani’ it still feels as though you right around the corner.
Yours, Warrior Leaf
everyday we re-awaken with Grandfather Sun into the Light
we can’t see the Light but faintly and infrequently however, because of the smokescreen of avdiya which surrounds us.
listen closely;
when we meditate, we free fall – often with screaming knees and ego for the first several years – through this
in Meditation,
we learn to dismantle and walk right through the Walls of our ego which HATE to crumble
for in the crumbling of
- “I”
- “Me
- “Mine”
our egoic shell becomes vulnerable to being swept away into the vastness,
into the dimensionless resolution of the Great Spirit.
we so dislike the notion of vast emptiness we keep consuming things and circumstances like
Hungry Ghosts in order to give (false though it be) form to the Formless;
we consume things and relationships and babies and addictions and be-have-iors
in chronic compulsion and neurotic, egoic impulse to do what?
stabilize our house of cards?
it hurts, doesn’t it; to Realize… really Realize that our whole life has been an inculcated grasping at other’s opinions and regurgitated ‘knowledge’ which is not Truth…
WF boldly and incessantly steps into our smokescreen with winks and smiles like that of GuruRinpoche asking us, “Wanna Wake Up?”
WF and her ever accurate and dastardly fun Lifestyle Fitness Disciplines and Principles offer us m(om)ents instead of mere moments,
offer us beacons of Clarity and Awareness –
that’s important because our Minds have only two capacities and i just named them:
WF Lifestyle increases Awareness.
Meditation increases Clarity.
inevitably, a Higher Shift then occurs through such WF Techniques as:
- WF Word Choice Guru
- WF 3×30 Nutritional Assignment
- WF Non Dominant Had Awareness Assignment
- WF Rasas Eating Assignment
- WF Yogi Squat Priority Awareness
- WF Breath and Posture Beeper Guru
- WF Soft Eyes Awareness
- WF Blessed Mantra
- WF Japa Mala
- WF Media Fast
- WF Sound Based Assignment
- WF Do It Now Teaching
- WF Leave It Better Than The Way You Found It Exercise
- WF What If Everybody Did It Awareness
- and
- dozens more.
you can review all the above Teachings in the WF SanghaLounge, DL Archives, and of course in my books and Audio Teachings.
Through the inevitable Higher Shift of which i spoke earlier,
sincere celebrators of the Mystic Life,
we begin Trusting in our Breath more and more often
our bodies grow more Pranic and Love based…
instead of Flesh and Fear based
we start consuming less (because it simply makes sense to remain more Light)
and cultivating more;
more richness from the flavorful dimensions of daily life; like a chi-ld we spend more time in humble Awe of It All…
instead of
- judging,
- analyzing,
- critiquing,
- and wishing Things were different from the Way they are…
as if by Divine remote control;
WF Warriors feel an ever growing sense of
- Everyday Alacrity
- and Inner Wealth
- and a sense of Freedom Beyond All This “Bad Medicine” of Kali Yuga…
Begin To See.
begin to joyfully
sacredly play our Part
in this Great Game,
the Great Race
as our consumption
melts into the sand of our Ground Being.
Say the following 3x and repeat 3x daily today:
i AM on the Path toward Enlightenment
i AM on the Path toward Enlightenment
i AM on the Path toward Enlightenment
know this,
and welcome Difficulty
for Difficulty
is the Noble Handshake
of the Divine
that is all.
*did you MISS getting yours?…pay attention to my well-hidden Signs for your shot at 2011’s Calendar…and PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR PHOTO of yourself living the WF Lifestyle; you might make it into next year’s Calendar and receive two complimentary ones!