click to enlarge the chi hit…and in-Joy…
#473…nothing has changed in this scene since 1882…i grew up with the lovely sound of this Narrow Gauge Train puffing and huffing along the 36″-wide railroad tracks next to the Animas River. i took this shot this morning as a quintessential March snow – heavy, thick flakes, straight down, pregnant with moisture – Blessed our Sunday morning. Location; a few steps from our new WF Temple H(om)e. photo by steve ilg; do not republish without permission…i know, it’s my new screensaver too!
The WF Deities were in charge of this one…taken just a m(om)ent after i snapped the first one…i love the sense of dimension and Old West iconic integrity. photo by steve ilg, do not republish without permission.
The nature of everything is illusory and ephemeral, Those with dualistic perception regard suffering as happiness, Like they who lick the honey from a razor’s edge. How pitiful are they who cling strongly to concrete reality: Turn your attention within, my heart friends. NYOSHUL KHEN RINPOCHE
Durango comes from the Basque word; urango meaning ‘water town.’
those of you who flubbed miserably on my WF Test Challenge last week, will surely recall this location…nearly the same spot, different guna. just by looking at this photo, one can nearly hear the soft snowflakes ushering the gurgle of the Animas. photo by steve ilg, this morning.

Dewachen, now 2 AND A HALF,
demonstrates her characteristic ekagraha – one pointed mental concentration – while
helping amma and abba paint her new room. Dewa picked out the color herself;
orchid purple to the common man…to yogi’s of course, Dewa chose the highest vibrational color
of Sahasrara Chakra. dat’s daddies little Rinpoche! photo by Ananda last evening.
My first Durango Wheel Club ride, yesterday along the beautiful Baker’s Bridge Loop which rolls through the
perimeter of the lower Animas River Valley. Bakers Bridge is where Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (Robert Redford and Paul Newman) jumped off the cliff and into the (Animas) River. taken from the back of the pack from my cell phone.