click on pics to deepen the Heart Hit…
i wish to take this Father’s Day m(om)ent to send a Wholistic Message of Gratitude for

all Daddies Everywhere who do what it takes to Stay Fit
and Stay PUT
to Be There
for their Chi-ldren…
SPECIAL THANKS to Thomas The Train, who huffed and puffed his way to Durango from the Island of Sodor in order to give such insurmountable glee and rock-star like awe to hundreds of lucky kids like Dewa, myself, and Joy! Thomas truly imparts the values of a Wholistic Fitness Lifestyle: Fun, Focus, Perseverance, and Unity with all others in order to Be On Time, Be Prepared, and…Give 110%!
i took this pic riding one-handed with Dewa in the bicycle seat behind me during a Zone 3 Interval up the Bike Path hill in order to intercept Thomas at his stop right near our house!
Dewachen hittin’ up the swing set in Silverton…the blast of aspens in bud behind her…Dewa likes to go up to
Silverton to swing; the 9,800′ elevation makes for enhanced swinging through the thin-air!
parading Dewa through Silverton on a rad taxi-bicycle…she was shouting out: “HELLO!” to everyone on the streets…
Thomas ROCKS!
Viva La Daddy Day To All
To All
Go(o)d Sweat!