IPR summit

THUMBS UP for Peter Diamond; our point warrior at BodyHealth, Inc…makers of the priceless MAP Amino Acids.  as ilg has attempted to Teach you throughout these decades,  it’s really, really important to every now and then, pay it back to someone whose honest hard work often goes unheralded, unknown, and perhaps unpaid…such is the case for our point-warrior at the guard of BodyHealth, Inc..makers of the incredible MAP Amino Acids.  below is my salute of his energy to his boss; Dr. Minkoff…photo: ilg on the 13,000’+ summit of Imogene Pass Race, 2008.  Imogene is one of the Three Sacred Sweat Pilgrimages of Wholistic Fitness™.


Most Noble Leader of MAP Amino Acids…

As i have had the honor of having presently held the honor of being the leading Affiliate for your most wonderful and vital product, MAP, for some while i felt it important to present to you my most favorable embrace of your employee, Peter Diamond.

Surely, as his last name hints,  this is a man whose integrity glints.

With the steadfast mindfulness of one of my Zen teachers,  Mr. Diamond’s light has shone like a direly desired beacon for us hard-working affiliates and has rescued us from a void of poorly managed Affiliate business matters.

With the devotion of a Bhakti Yogin,  Mr. Diamond has created a trust-filled bond for myself and my students, fans, and friends on MAP as a flawlessly dependable ‘go-to guy’ for our questions, comments, and sometimes, complaints.  i feel he now deserves at least one heart-filled applaud.  in my experience over the past several months since Peter has taken over from his predecessor, i don’t recall a time when Mr. Diamond has returned an email from me within 12 hours…regardless of the intricacy or simplicity.  He – Mr. Diamond himself –
must be taking MAP;  his excellence and equanimity bespeak of someone who is surely in a positive nitrogen balance!

With the day to day energy of a world-class athlete (i can write from direct experience),  Mr. Diamond unleashes his considerable verve into untangling complicated, vaporous issues of affiliate payments within the cyber-world of the internet and has rebuilt a strong – and growing stronger – foundation which admirably serves each of us who spend our days on the lookout for new people who may be open to receiving the considerable – if not priceless – wealth of MAP.

I scarcely need to assure you that Mr. Diamond has seemingly single-handedly resurrected my trust, faith, and energies in my endeavor to remain a foremost endorser of MAP Amino Acids.

In closing,  I send my deepest gratitude to you, Dr. Minkoff, for all your effort and energies in choosing to steer with such capable wisdom and grace this most important company.  Tis an honor to be a representative of BodyHealth.   If there is anything i can lend my visibility, image, resume, and ongoing embrace of MAP toward,  i trust that you will let me know.

my BodyHealth Affiliate website is:

head bowed,

coach steve ilg, uscf/cpt/ryt
7 World Championships in 5 Different Sports


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