Quote of the Week…

Published on Oct 09, 2011 by in Potent Quotes, Teachings


this picture,  a quickie among several (more elegantly composed) shots  i posted to my FaceBook personal site and the Teaching Blog yesterday, inspired several comments. it was just a quick snap taken while approaching Wolf Creek Pass heading east from Durango.  one c(om)ment deeply warmed my heart…may it warms yours as well:

Karen McKinnis commented on your photo.
Karen wrote: “Sometimes I think it’s amazing we all survived our trips over the pass. But I think that Wolf Creek is one of the greatest places on earth. I can remember being there, with great big snow flakes coming down so fast you couldn’t see more than a few inches in front of you. I can remember being there when the moon was so bright you could see almost like day time. I can remember fishing a small stream there and finding wild raspberries that we took home for our ice cream. I remember places where you could pull off the road and go for a hike …I remember peaceful silence so loud you could hear a squirrel breathe. I remember the smell of fresh clean air, pine and aspen tree’s which all smell different, the smell of fertile dirt in the sunshine. I remember being able to stop at the glacier and having snowball fights in the middle of summer. I saw my first wild bear while out fishing on Wolf Creek. I caught a huge trout in a stream I could easily step over. I love it there.”

2 Responses to “Quote of the Week…”

  1. Leslie Hutchinson says:

    Thanks for the post – as a frequent traveler over Wolf Creek Pass ( heading towards the San Luis Valley and Salida), I felt like a fellow traveler with you. And I, too, have had some harrowing (drives) if you could call them that!!! over the pass. I close my eyes and I am there. Thanks. Leslie

  2. coach says:


    you are welc(om)e!!


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