Simply living the Nutritional Principles of WF, along with the lifestyle, gradually shifts the WF Student away from degenerative choices and toward empowering and cleansing ones…
above, Spinach Staple, from the WF Mealtime Guidebook
New Student:
I should pay big attention on nutrition while abroad, having a full menu in front is a hard test for the will.
I will get on MAP as soon as posible. Sometimes I get confused if its a real need craving or just wanting to spoil myself with the sugar. How to differentiate?
getting on the MAP and getting into a positive nitrogen balance will certainly help slay the Dragon of over-eating…however, without a mind that is being cleansed and purified and stabilized through meditation, the battle will always be tougher than it really is. the intellect will not help; what will help is when you empathetically FEEL the Vibrational Difference between being Light, and then eating food….eating food weighs your Lightness down. This is why we have you on EMR, which will slowly, safely, effectively start shifting your body into a more Pranic constitution; a much more fun, effectual way of being instead of the body which relies on physical food. one day, you’ll fall so in love with your natural body Lightness (Laghuvata) that overeating will be the last thing your body/mind/spirit will ever want to do.
proud of you! you are learning more than what you may feel like you are!
head bowed from your corner,
3 Temple Tricks To Use At This Thanksgiving Meal
•) Earned Sustenance
this technique is used daily by WF Students…we never eat unless we are physiologically in need of calories; we don’t abuse food by allowing ‘egoic’ hunger priority over physiologic hunger. For ThanksGiving meals, especially, we must make sure we put together high-caloric expenditure workouts the day before and/or the day of ThanksGiving. It was the Earned Sustenance Principle which led me to create my infamously fun; EARN THE BIRD Workouts. WF Devotee Steve Mackel out in LA just wrote me,
Coach, Wanted to message you the day before “earn your bird.” Gonna teach Spinning and Yoga tonight followed by a 15k trail run tomorrow morning. Thanks for starting this great tradition. If you have a minute check out my FB video post today. Thank you! Namaste NWSM
•) 3×30 Feast Variation
this technique is a variation of my 3×30 Assignment which requires the first bite of each main meal during the day is chewed consciously and with Gratitude for the “10,ooo Beings” which brought this food to our body. in this “Feast Variation” we engage the 30-meditative chews per bite at 3-minute intervals throughout the meal.
•) Non-Dominant Hand Assignment
this stalwart WF Nutritional technique has transformed many student’s whole approach to ‘lunging’ after their food without gratitude or care or skill. here, use your Non-Dominant Hand at least for a few bites every few minutes throughout the meal. Extra Merit for using Chopsticks as well!
How Blessed Are We? Have a Happy, Healthy, and Wholesome Wholiday!
head bowed,
your loving and ever grateful for YOU being Here Now,