“Dear Coach,
Thanks for the personal message. I am a loyal devotee of your training philosophy. You inspired me to write my own book titled Pilates for the Outdoor Athlete.”
Laurie Stricker, owner/founder of Evergreen Pilates, Evergreen, Colorado
Coach Responds,
“Precious Server Laurie,
Ripples make waves…
keep Serving the Sacred Sweat.”
note: Coach Ilg was assistant and best friend to Stephan Frease who began the Pilates movement in America in 1984. i lived with and assisted Stephan in Beverly Hills, Aspen, and Boulder when there was only 3 – yes, three – Pilates reformers in America. go(o)d times, those…Stephan was an amazing father of a Rinpoche chi-ld who died from cancer at age 13. Stephan never truly recovered… he was a fantastic artist, athlete, teacher, and perhaps the last of the renaissance men of America…through his amazing countenance ilg still attempts to Teach and Transmit…