Before i pinned yet another Auspicious race number upon my jersey yet again…a smile as wide as my most open Upavisthva Konasana permeated my face as i punched the safety pins through the race bib…
they say a Teacher should be judged by the wisdom and capacity of his Students…
so, here, on this Sacred Pilgrimage night of nights is
why feeble, ol’ ilg was grinning like a newborn
and feeling so Blessed to have and to race with the Spirits
of such amazing Students as Thee:

Dear, Coach
And here is what I have learned or hope I have learned in the past year about racing Iron Horse tomorrow!

Last year I was adamant that I would break 3 hours (I had trained hard, lost weight and felt strong) and then I was somewhat crushed when I didn’t break 3 hours.

This year . . . well my plan is to break 3 hours again but I have no attachment or aversion to that plan or at least less attachment or aversion than last year.  I have done everything I can physically and mentally to prepare and now I am just going to enjoy every moment (hopefully somewhere around 180 moments)!  Without clinging I will arrive in Silverton with a smile on my face and it will be what it will be.  Because in the end it will not matter whether it takes me 3 hours or 3:10, what matters is that I toed the line and gave it everything I have!

Thank you for showing me the way!


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