NanaTha* rises over our holiday-decorated  front door on this Knight of all Nights!   How Blessed Are We to have such a BEAUTIFUL Grandmother whose steadfast consistency never falters…feeble ilg often TAF’s about NanaTah whenever my lazy tendencies to train or do what must be done…invoking Her amazing spirit of repetition has helped ilg be a most consistent, wholistic abhyasin..and for me?  dat’s enough.   What about you?   What inspires YOU to overcome your lazy tendencies?

• The Full Cold Moon; or the Full Long Nights Moon – December During this month the winter cold fastens its grip, and nights are at their longest and darkest. It is also sometimes called the Moon before Yule. The term Long Night Moon is a doubly appropriate name because the midwinter night is indeed long, and because the Moon is above the horizon for a long time. The midwinter full Moon has a high trajectory across the sky because it is opposite a low Sun.

*  NanaTha (pronounced, NAH na TAH) was one of Dewachen’s first words.   Nana = Grandmother (which the Moon represents in Native American spirituality…and, if  – as R. Carlos Nikai once told me, “If you were born on Turtle Island?  Guess what?  You are a Native American!”  and then he laughed in a soul-full way that only Native American’s can!).   Tha = Moon as in Ha/tha Yoga;  Union of Sun/Moon.

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